(Dead) Minotaur
The first minotaur, he was an extremely powerful warrior long ago killing over 100 men in battle slaughting men, women, and children without mercy. Until he was finally defeated by an Akroan Guard, in the Underworld Thyrogog pleaded with Atheros to give him a second chance at life and got it. Upon returning to life Thyrogog went to a temple to Mogis and pledged to never lose again and to show his resolve killed his wife and children. Mogis rewarded this action by turning him into the first minotaur and blessed (or cursed) with an endless rage preventing him from dying, but he became a mindless murder monster. His men turned on him fearing his angry and rage locking him in a pit underground only releasing him when needed. He was recently released to attack Akros, but while gathering an army was killed by the Faithful Few when they dropped an island on them. After a deal between Erebros and Mogis Thyrogog was brought back to life temperorary but this time without his endless rage ‘gift’. He fought agains Prodos and the Faithful Few but was killed by the magic from the Coins of Nylea and Thassa.