Mirkwood Academy of Magic and Alchemy
The Mirkwood Academy of Magic and Alchemy is the only non-empire magic academy in Wildemount, providing the only real counterpoint to the Solstryce Academy in Rexxentrum. Unlike Solstryce, Mirkwood is very accepting of students of all ages and concetrations, but primarily serves as a primarily post-secondary school, and expands on existing skills with magic and the arcane arts.
Mirkwood Academy is a massive construction on the northern outskirts of the city. Each of the university’s
three colleges has its own campus, in addition to the central campus, which is home to the Biblioplex and Strixhaven Stadium, and serves as a hub for university life. The entire facility takes up hundreds of acres behind the city below the Cyrios mountain range. The three colleges are Lorehold, devoted to the history of magic and study of magical objects; Prismari, focusing on the study of the Divine and inherent magical abilities across the world; and Quandrix, researching the expansion and development of new arcane mechanism. Students must demonstrate continued excellence in one of the colleges every year to continue their attendance, done at the end of the year when students must sit an exam in front of the board of their chosen house. The exam is a set of random questions, one from each of the 6 college board members. These questions get harder with repetition, encouraging study and exploring new disciplines as you advance.
In addition to the three colleges, the Mirkwood campus has several dormitories/boarding houses, a primary school, and a large library known as “The Stacks”. The Stack librarians are often forer students and just as skilled as the ones currently studying. It is not uncommon that a Stacks librarian would leave the campus on a quest for a specific tome or research sample for a student.
Notable to the Campaign:
Della attended Mirkwood for 2.5 years before getting kicked out do to failing grades.
Cassandra worked at the school for 4-5 years as a librarian before her accident.