Instances of Equestria
In the tangled web of multiverses, Bones hailed from a starkly different Equestria, one ravaged by the brutal throes of a world war that had torn the land asunder. It was a world where the insidious rise of Painting Blitz had culminated in his ascent to dictatorial power within the National Equalists party. The scars of conflict and division marred the once-harmonious land of ponies. In this somber reality, Celestia herself had fallen from grace to become Daybreaker, banished to the Sun for a millennium by Luna. Yet, redemption was not beyond reach, for the Elements of Harmony would eventually restore her to her benevolent form, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.
Meanwhile, in a stark contrast, Maxi hailed from an Equestria where the ravages of war had never marred the tranquil landscape. Painting Blitz, in this world, had forsaken the path of tyranny and instead became a celebrated painter, renowned for his exquisite artworks that adorned the walls of galleries and homes alike. Here, Luna’s descent into the shadows manifested as Nightmare Moon, her banishment to the Moon enacted by her sister, Celestia. Yet, the timeless power of the Elements of Harmony had the ability to mend even the deepest rifts, and Luna was ultimately restored to her benevolent self, contributing to the enduring peace of this alternate reality.
Two distinct Equestrias, each shaped by the whims of fate and choices made by their inhabitants, stood as a testament to the infinite possibilities that thrived within the multiverse. The paths of Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Painting Blitz led these worlds on contrasting journeys, unfolding tales of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring power of friendship and harmony.