Bran's Stolen Memories
Memory 1
Bran is walking on a beach heading towards a ship made with exotic wood and black sails. Many other cult members are around him and working to load the ship. Astrid is there barking orders out and directing supplies around. Bran glances behind him inland and a large settlement can be seen through the jungle with more cult members going about their business amongst the huts and strange shelters. The people at the settlement appeared to be dressed slightly different, a little more rugged and wild.
Memory 2
Bran is at a campsite, but you can see stone temple structures being lit up by the fires around you. The temple appears decrepit and you feel a slight chill in the air. Another cult member sits next to you and starts going over your next mission: powerful magical object, Roseburn Estate, enter the office, find the hidden entrance. He hands you a sketch of the magical orb. “Get in, get out. You fail, say nothing.”
Memory 3
Bran is walking down a narrow path at a fairly steep decline. The forest around him is dark and you see he is almost sulking along the trail with his blade drawn. Sunlight intermittently pierces through the thick tree cover like spears from above as he ambles on until the trees part for a moment, and in the far distance the open landscape of Rosebury can be seen. A rustling is heard off the trail and Bran dashes behind a near tree. A group of ravens burst out of a bush and fly off in the other direction. Bran waits a minute more, then begins moving again after another glance at Rosebury.