Incense of Attraction
- Obtained: 24 Eleasis 2993
Typically appearing as a cone of a sweet-smelling reddish substance, this incense, when burned, serves to cause those who smell it to look with great favor on he or she who burned it. The range is a 20’-diameter circle. The person burning the incense gains 2-8 points of CHA, and the incense acts as a friends spell (it is so powerful that saving throws are at -2). A cone burns for 3-4 hours. Once a victim is ensnared by the incense, he/she remains friendly until the incense is gone. Once gone, victims are ready to depart with nothing but pleasant memories of the time spent and favorable feelings towards the owner of the incense. As the incense lowers sexual inhibitions considerably, it is a favored item among the highest class of Archontean ladies and gentlemen of the night.