The Return
Terrorist Organisation
Responsible for attacking the first delegation from Craia (including Rusco and Mina), and kidnapping five members of the delegation (including Mina and Rusco’s childhood friend, Jetsam). The delegation had stopped on a planetoid to resupply, and were promptly attacked. Mina is believed to be the only survivor after being imprisoned for about 2 months.
They helped The Unknowable One raise the new elder brain. funds and supplies.
The Return are specifically anti-Koalitio, attacking embassies and seeking to undermine their efforts to recruit new worlds and disrupt their activities on existing member-worlds. On Hanbaishi, we learned that the Koalitio is testing out a new threat-level system to alert citizens of credible threats. they want self determination for systems.
main fighting force in our last encounter on Hanbaishi were dwarves, we have not seen an elvish member.
found Blood Soaked Scroll on a return cultist
In the Dun Eideann Library we learned the origin of the Nagpa and made the connection that they are the bird creatures that we keep seeing. There is a cabal of 13 wizards that were turned into these creatures that seem to be leading the Return.
Adophus is potentially the location of a hideout in the cave system