2/8/1491 Letter to Rusco From the Archdruid
Druidic, official seal
Riluaneth the Waxing Moon,
Your letters have reached me suddenly and all at once. It seems the Koalitio wish to make a great impression. The presence of this empire remains minimal on the surface of Craia. Their Spelljammers orbit between the moon and the sky. I was unaware of their increased presence in our sphere. It is not noticed by the Druids as a threat. Though we will place more emphasis on monitoring them.
All the clans have the envoy on their hearts and minds. The Circles are divided, most do not want increased contact with the Koalitio. Even with the news of Minaeva Rinn, the Circle of Stars holds the most vocal opposition to joining. This decision is not pressing. Take time in learning the phases of this coalition. Remember the voices of opposition may be the loudest and the voice of favor holds heavy bias. Find the truth as you see it.
From the soft light of home,
Archdruid Qihana