24 Alturiak 1491
Session 44 (approx. 1:55:00)
Arrive at Bral. Rusco and Mina go speak with Commander Ashine.
The group goes to get paid from Ozamata, who gives us an IOU for the money he owes us. (begins approx. 2:25:00). The Captain reminds us that he cannot do business just anywhere, and so we are somewhat beholden to doing business with Ozamata - and that includes the risk that Ozamata can extort or blackmail us at any time.
At the end of the day, it’s Prince Andru who is holding up the negotiations - and therefore keeping the ports from running, and therefore keeping the people of Bral in poor circumstances. The group decides that we’ll go meet with Prince Andru and try to convince him to allow the Koalitio to inspect his land and people. Prior to meeting with him, we will run around and try to stir up civil unrest among the people over the following days to encourage faster/easier negotiating.
Over the next undefined few days:
Session 44 (approx. 3:25:00)
The group successfully exacerbates unrest among the citizens of Bral, attempting to position Prince Andru to have to negotiate with the Commander faster (and to leverage the negotiation to favor reopening Bral’s borders).
-Fluke used investigation to find pockets of unrest and stir the pot.
-MAC performed songs about tyrannical rulers and thinly-veiled references about the current situation. (22)
-Mina and Rusco gave out gooseberries to persuade people to be candid about their feelings about the Prince, and to convince them that the Prince should be doing a better job of providing for his subjects in these trying times. (18)
-Arwik went to intimidate the Koalitio soldiers (“You MUST have somewhere better to be… SURELY you want to go home, right??”) (Crit for 26)
Worked with Proconsul Gadric Main to get audience with Prince Andru.