28 Alturiak 1491
In the days leading up to meeting with Prince Andru:
Session 44 (approx. 3:25:00)
The group successfully exacerbates unrest among the citizens of Bral, attempting to position Prince Andru to have to negotiate with the Commander faster (and to leverage the negotiation to favor reopening Bral’s borders).
-Fluke used investigation to find pockets of unrest and stir the pot.
-MAC performed songs about tyrannical rulers and thinly-veiled references about the current situation. (22)
-Mina and Rusco gave out gooseberries to persuade people to be candid about their feelings about the Prince, and to convince them that the Prince should be doing a better job of providing for his subjects in these trying times. (18)
-Arwik went to intimidate the Koalitio soldiers (“You MUST have somewhere better to be… SURELY you want to go home, right??”) (Crit for 26)
Worked with Proconsul Gadric Main to get audience with Prince Andru.
Session 45
The group has audience with Prince Andru to discuss the negotiations with Commander Ashine/The Koalitio about allowing his people/his territory to be scanned for intellect devourers and thus reopening the borders. Rusco wild shaped into a spider ahead of the meeting and snuck away to spy behind the scenes, followed shortly by Fluke.
Rusco, narrowly avoiding being caught when they were injured out of their wild shape, overheard a conversation between Proconsul Gadaric Main telling Prince Andru that they “need three more days” to accomplish their task. Rusco then discovered an abandoned study with a painting of Prince Calar that had been torn. Fluke discovered plans to stockpile supplies while delaying negotiations - ostensibly to be able to hold out indefinitely - as well as a map of underground tunnels on the underside of the Rock.
Gadaric noticed that members of the group were absent and went to look for us. Fluke turned invisible to hide, but was seen/caught by the Proconsul who banished him to another plane while he went to warn the Prince that we were snooping around.
Rusco snuck out, un-wildshaped, and rushed back into the chamber pretending to be late to the meeting to throw off suspicions that we were up something. Fluke snuck out through the back once he was un-banished to avoid calling extra attention to himself. Using expert gaslighting, we were able to convince the Prince to open his territory to scanning in two days’ time.