5 Alturiak 1491
[session 31 continued]
During the night
- Fluke saw a group of Kenku checking out some of the other ships (possibly stealing from them)
- Fluke makes it apparent that he is watching and they flee
- Rusco sees a ship hover over a building
- Several people climb out
- a few minutes later, they come back carrying a sack full of stuff
- Mina notices that there is too much ambient light to allow the stars to shine
Arwik and Rusco head to the The Hearth to meet up with the second cart.
- There are more Koalitio soldiers out than normal
- Hopefully they’re too busy with whatever they’re doing to pay us much attention
- The second cart arrives and everyone heads back to the ship
The next two trips are fairly uneventful
During the final trip
- An announcement is made stating that there is an increased threat level
- A imminent threat of attack from has been discovered and there will be an increased police presence
- It is recommended that people go about their business as usual
- All ships entering and leaving the planet will be subject to search
- The Koalitio is here to protect this planet and everyone on it
- This all sounds strange and unnerving
- The announcements and police presence seem to only be happening in certain areas
- Rusco and MAC try to talk to a nearby Koalitio officer (Judd Apto)
- There are threats of The Return attacking
- There may be a lock down of certain areas if things don’t improve
- Commander Zumnorin Ashine has been patrolling the Wildspace around Bral for the last few weeks
- Their orders were to build and maintain a presence in certain areas of the planet
- One of the embassies might be able to answer our questions
- The last attacks were against embassies though
- We have a close call with some of the Koalitio police but are able to avoid be stopped or searched by blending in with the crowds
We arrive back at the Crystal Cascade
- Kori is very excited about what we’ve accomplished
- Kori hands Fluke a chest and key
- There is 20,000 gp inside
- Arwik asks Kori about what’s been happening
- We are most likely safe for now
- Kori starts asking questions about us
- We make a hasty exit
- We find a place to hide and Fluke puts the chest in his pocket dimension
Session 32 - Shopping!
Moved ship to loading docks - 5gp per day, 1 week maximum. We informed the inspectors that we have 13 on board, but only 12 were counted (6 of us, Captain, Algrex, Tinker, Pak’cha, Oren, Keats - perhaps Otto does not count or the inspector doesn’t count Fluke?). Otherwise, the inspection was uneventful. We learned from the inspectors that Bral is under quarantine.
In conversation with the Captain, we learned that we cannot split the payment for getting the gems for Kori until we go to Bral, and we cannot go to Bral until the quarantine is lifted. Unfortunately, we do not have a way to communicate with Ozamata. Before we left to go shopping, Captain reminded us to search for a map to Psych-Gen for Tinker. Because of the quarantine, we advise the Captain to be careful. We also ponder what the consequences of our actions on Bral might have been (as we were leaving, the general population appeared to be unaffected by our defeat of the elder brain and Unknowable One.
We decide to seek out an arcana shop first to see what wares we can find. Specifically, Arwik and Fluke are hoping to find armor (and ideally, enchanted armor) and the group is generally seeking various magical components and items. Mina, Arwik, Fluke, and Rusco visited Vemani’s Fast Smith in search of armor and weapons. MAC and Rusco then went to Viet’s Unconventionalities in search of an enchanted bow and/or quiver. Mina visited a magical tattoo artist to inquire about upgrading a protective tattoo, and we headed back toward the ship at sunset for a long rest. During the exchange of armor that evening, Fluke agreed to help Rusco turn six copper pieces into hammered rings.
Shops Visited
-The Enchanted Attic, shopkeep is a silver/grey tabaxi in wizard’s garb.
— Most basic spell components are available
Healing Potion Prices
#1 Combo: Potion Of Healing 50 gp
#2 Combo: Potion Of Healing (Greater) 150 gp
#3 Combo: Potion Of Healing (Superior) 750 gp
#4 Combo: Potion Of Healing (Supreme) 1500 gp
-Vemani’s Fast Smith [CONFIRM SPELLING]
— Includes DIY mundane armor
-Viet’s Unconventionalities
— Run by an apparent shapeshifter named Viet Vruik, who changed shape to mimic Rusco and MAC each time he went back into the shop to get an item for them.
— The hand-painted sign above the shop became blank after we left.
-Carter’s Vagrant
— Magical tattoo shop, run by a tiefling.
Arwik - 650gp
-2 potions of healing (100gp)
-3 potion of greater healing (450gp)
-100gp to Fluke for armor
Fluke - 1,950gp
-1 potion of healing (50gp)
-1 potion of greater healing (150gp)
-2 platinum rings (100gp)
-Eyes of Minute Seeing (450gp)
-Half-plate mithril armor (1,200gp) [+1AC]
MAC - 670gp
-3 potions of greater healing (450gp)
-2 candles that cannot be lit (bonus items)
-Cordon of Arrows (120gp)
-10pp to Fluke for armor
Mina - 200gp
-1 potion of healing (50gp)
-1 potion of greater healing (150gp)
Morti - 675gp
-3 potions of healing (150gp)
-1 potion of greater healing (150gp)
-Diamond dust (300gp)
-Doll (75gp)
Rusco - 1,206gp 4sp
-Two potions of healing (100gp)
-One potion of greater healing (150gp)
-Diamond dust (300gp)
-Ruby dust (300gp)
-Centipede-esque wand/jewelry box (4sp)
-Longbow (50gp)
-20 Arrows (1gp)
-Standard quiver (1gp)
-Bubble pipe (4gp)
-Efficient quiver (200gp)
-100gp to Fluke for armor
-Studded leather armor from Fluke [12+DEX AC]
Party - 300gp
-Diamond dust (300gp) - given to Mina
Other things we would like to do:
-Koalitio Embassy (Rusco, Mina?, others?)
-Garden of Tranquility (Arwik, Rusco)
-Fighting Ring (Rusco)
-Morti wants look for a temple to “death” to do some studying
Other shopping requests:
-Rusco would like to purchase six cheap necklace chains and small pouches.
Desirable Future Purchases:
-Amulet of Health (8,400gp)
-Scrolls of Protection (180gp)
-Staff of Swarming Insects (11,200gp)
— Cast Giant Insect, Insect Plague, or create a swarm of insects
-Custom enchanting is available
-White, scaled shield (“Uven Druin”?) (24,000gp)
-Small embellished plate armor (2,400gp)
-Arrow-catching Shield (4,000gp)
— [+2AC/+4 vs. ranged; reaction to take the place of the intended target]
-Standard plate armor (1500 gp)
— [18 AC]
-Studded leather armor (45gp)
— [12+DEX AC]
-Barrier tattoo at Carter’s Vagrant
— Better part of a day to complete (4,000gp) [17AC]
Session 33
Back at the ship
- MAC programs the talking doll and hides it to mess with Orten and Keets
- Rusco talks with Fluke
- Rusco asks Fluke to help create some copper rings
- Fluke happily agrees
- Rusco asks Fluke how he’s doing with his first mate duties
- Fluke stays very busy and really enjoys being responsible and having authority
- Fluke gives Rusco the studded leather armor
- Rusco asks Fluke to help create some copper rings
- Fluke gives everyone a carved crystal to commemorate our first big adventure together
Long Rest