21 Brussendar 835
The final morning of your journey to Xarzith Kitril, Applethorn provided the group details on his dream/vision of the Moon Weaver before you all readied to disembark, heading to Whitedawn Lagoon on Dingly, with a group of 6 crew members.
That evening, while relaxing in the Restless Wing tavern, you overheard rumors of a growing cult of Ravenites that are gathering outside the city under a charismatic leader. As you sat there, the citizenry left and only a few of the town guard remained. Then, an ambush started, as some local thugs, each wearing black ribbons, attacked the guard but found you in place before them. You dispatched them quickly and ended the fight, when the captain explained that more and more of their citizens have joined the Draconia Remnant, a group of dragonborn who believe their right is to serve the dragons of the past and inherit the world. This has caused a schism within the city and finds the citizenship at odds with itself. This attack was meant to be a display of power from the Remnany, but you stopped it and have their thanks.