John Tavish Bailey
Druid, Circle of the Land (Grassland)
John Tavish Bailey is a Half Orc who married into the noble Bailey bloodline. Mary Wellesley Bailey, one of three daughters to the then head of House Bailey; Edgar Tavin Bailey 2nd, married a Half Orc named Gazall, much to the dismay of the entire house because they were racist.
Gazall is an overly honest man who, before being proposed to by Mary Bailey during one of her political outings, was a wondering Druid who would search for environmental disasters and work towards restoring them to their former glory. At some point Gazall beat a Balor Demon in the name of Melora earning himself a godly visage called the spire of stars.
Mary Bailey used every ounce of her power in her house to keep Gazall from execution. Gazall was renamed John Tavish since his name was too alien to the people of house Bailey. He was later sent on a suicide mission to kill a dragon in the year 735, right before his wedding. He somehow lived despite his inexperience adventuring and went on to have two children with his lovely wife. Since Mary’s sisters either couldn’t or didn’t want children, her first born was given the inheritor’s name: Edgar Tavin Bailey 3rd. This wasn’t exactly what House Bailey had planned for, but John’s children passed as fully human and ultimately that was enough to appease their worries.
Of course, John made no public appearances as a member of House Bailey due to his race, instead being played by an actor when his presence was needed and left the house behind the day his wife passed. Not even his sons know where he went.
Also, the Bailey family isn’t racist anymore… mostly.