23 July 1074
Having spent yesterday doing small quests for money, the group (minus Sirvyr and Jean) reunite in the hotel. Sirvyr decides to investigate a thread of information, meeting the blacksmith’s child, Teo. They have a pleasant, if not a bit ominous conversation, leaving him with more questions than answers.
The group then decide, at Amon’s whim (which they claim is at the whim of someone else entirely) that the group should go make some ginger and scallion crab with Fortunata and Enzo. Eager to sleep for the night, Amon and Sirvyr share information, before Sirvyr decides to speedrun his social link and go meet Adonis, who proceeds to lie about everything and then come clean about lying about everything. They bond, probably. It’s hard to tell. He asks Sirvyr not to dig deep into Belluae affairs.