Lucius Scipio Aulamaxa
Heir to House Aulumaxa
Born and raised in Kintargo’s Greens district, Lucius has always been labeled a dreamer. His younger years were spent obsessing over stories of Kintargo’s heroes passed, and the histories of the Great Empire of Cheliax. His time at the academy focused his talents as a historian and writer, and began him down the path to political aspiration. Leveraging his role in Kintargo’s nobility, after graduation he was able to land himself a position as a clerk under the Former lord mayor Jilia Bainilus who became a mentor and encouraged his speech writing and training.
Before the lockdown, Lucius could often be found roaming the streets with a pen and paper, asking strangers for their stories and thoughts of Kintargo. Any time a production was set at the Opera house, Lucius would be there to experience the art and awe of the grand theater of Kintargo, spending time with his friends in the cast and crew, and ingratiating himself with the performers. Increasingly, he’s had to spend more and more time keeping up appearances in polite society for his mother who grows more and more reclusive.
Now, with the Opera house claimed by the Thrunes, the former Lord Mayor’s disappearance, his friends out of work, and his hopes of gaining political support dashed, Lucius is listless in a quickly darkening Kintargo. Hoping to bring some sense to the new reality, he looks to document the protest scheduled in Aria Park.