28 Arodus 4715
Session 0:
There is a protest scheduled to take place in Aria Park today. Rain or shine.
Session 1:
The protest was punctuated by five key factions:
-The Kintargo Partisans
-The Economic conservatives
-The Chelaxian loyalists
-The Anarchists
-Advocates for Democracy
Two or so hours of rabble rousing go by, and a sixth group had emerged demanding the freedom to drink in the streets.
Eventually, after a few failed larceny attempts in the crowd, and the Chelaxian loyalists being talked down, Barzillai Thrune emerges to address the people. In the same breath, he both claims to hear the voices and concerns of the people then lays down another proclamation with a particularly brutal punishment. This declaration energizes the crowd further and some foreign object was launched directly at Thrune. Though it missed, he was thrown into a fit of anger, telling the dottari and the glaive-woman guarding the area to “Capture or kill them all, I do not care.”
With this statement, the dottari begin boxing in the protest, as previously cloaked members of the Chelish Citizen’s Group revealed their weapons and went to start beating down protestors from within the crowd. After 3 of the mischievous mace-men were bludgeoned to paste by LARC, the remaining 2 were put to sleep by Lucius to be swiftly executed by Vazra and Ham, and the party was able to slip away along the current of the crowd.
Some distance from the park on their way out, a voice is heard crying for help in an alley. The party looks in to see a singly-gloved man (for whom 3 of the party were searching at the protest) was being assaulted by more of the CCG.
Session 2:
After rounding the corner, the party is told to mind their own business and leave. Vazra and Ham prove once again their deadly acumen to the chagrin of Lucius. Lucius calls for a solution other than death, but is ignored as the melee continues and more of the CCG charge in to attack. LARC makes attempts at a non lethal resolution, but is stymied and forced to pulp another CCG as the mace hits stack up on the party. Ayse seems initially hesitant to commit any violence, but the need to find his uncle galvanizes him and he launches a powerful alchemical bomb into the foes, much to the party’s surprise.
The tensions between Lucius and Vazra come to a head after the majority of the foes are defeated. Lucius convinces one of the members to drop their weapon and leave, asking Vazra to let him go to which Vazra agrees, then turns and cuts down the un-armed man.
LARC pins down a sleeping foe, while Ham chases down and captures a runner. Both are briefly questioned for little gain, outside a brief description of the ground level logistics of the CCG. Both captured men are killed by Vazra, and then Ham (after Vazra attempted but was interrupted by LARC), troubling LARC and leaving Lucius despondent.
The single gloved man stirs, and after applying a potion from his pocket, reveals himself to be Rexus Victocora, an old friend of Lucius’, friend of Ayse’s uncle, and a the elusive contact of Vazra and Ham. He speaks in code, alluding to the need for privacy and brings the party to Crisali’s Fine Tomes to speak in the private room.
Once safely there, he reveals his parents to have been members of the Sacred Order of Archivists, tasked with working to benefit Kintargo. Despite their disappearance, Porcia Victocora leaves a message for Rexus pointing to the need for the return of the Silver Ravens and hinting at an old safehouse under the Fair Fortune Livery that may have more information/resources.
Session 3:
The party decides to rest for the day and take on the Livery the following morning:
- Vazra mentions he has a date, splitting off to head home and refusing to elaborate further.
- Ayse heads back to his Uncle’s shop to tidy up, operate the establishment, and prepare a few tricks for the following day.
- Rexus, Ham, Larc, and Lucius head towards the North shore to potentially get drinks. Larc begins to head back to his shack under the bridge before being called back to head to Clenchjaw’s to drink with the boys. They arrive at the bar to find the place packed, as word of Larc’s enthusiasm at the protest got around. The owner, Rinston “Clenchjaw” John, celebrates Larc and his booming business with free drinks. The group carouses for a few hours before Larc gets a bit too drunk for the first time and they make to leave. As the group is getting ready to go, a mysterious guy comes up to Larc and Ham and starts asking prying questions. Picking up on the shady nature of the dude, Ham gets Larc out while Lucius creates a distraction with a performance.
- Lucius ends his performance, and he and Rexus catch up on their walk home.
- Ham takes Larc back to Blackthorn, but not before stopping off at Larc’s shack under the bridge, per his request. Ham retrieves a dear friend of Larc’s who’s sick, a small bot with the letters C.L.A.R.C in faded red across the chassis. With bot and beautiful homeless vagabond in hand, Ham leads the way to safety back at his shop.
Everyone rests for the night.