As of August 3072, all of Murandy is believed to have been destroyed by hydrogen bombs.
Murandy is the first modern nation to have abolished its monarchy in favor of republican governance. Nearly 3,000 years ago, Murandy underwent a civil revolt against its monarchy. After a violent civil war, the monarchy was overthrown and the government was replaced by a constitutional republic, wherein land owners elect 100 representatives to govern the nation.
The government of Murandy is extremely centralized, with a hierarchy of elected officials governing all aspects of life. A side effect of this, unfortunately, is that there is bureaucratic “red tape” in every aspect of life, from economic matters to social matters, and this results in it taking an incredibly long amount of time for Murandy’s government to take any action. This sluggishness in the Muradian government has resulted in a significant amount of strife among the populace, with a recent underground movement emerging that advocates for the return of the Murandian monarchy. While this movement has not garnered any noticeable amount of traction, it has been a cause for alarm for supporters of the Republic.
• Government: Constitutional Republic o The Senate of Murandy is led by 100 elected officials who have no formal leader.
• Leader: The Senate (Mix of all races, primarily human)
• Capital: Samara
• Environment: Wet Delta, Temperate Forests, Temperate Plains, Ice-Capped Mountains
• Population: 2,990,000
- Human: 54%
- Elven: 29%
- Dwarven: 14%
- Gnomish: 3%