23 Dualahei 838
The team returns to the city, and gets a small reward for taking out the cultists.
Ali takes on an archer from the watch, and loses a bet for 75 gold. They return to the bar and Mick, Ali and the archer drink most of the night.
Eveneem and Wonders go downstairs and she passes out face down on the bed, while Wonders sets up an altar to pray.
The next morning Wonders and Eveneem go upstairs for breakfast and encounter Question, who has been awake for at least a half-hour, and is already caffeinated. She is eager to get started and go into the Rise, and regales the team with information she found about the warrior from the vision.
The hero Alyxian was referred to as the Apotheon, which seems like it was a proper title. He took on numerous foes throughout the world, including the betrayer gods.
We make our way out to the old lady who had Ali’s spectacles - the woman claims they were stolen in a robbery.