12 Thunsheer 835
The following day, Amira awoke to check her map, finding a new waypoint on it, somewhere near center of the Quoraska Jungle. Afterward, she and Cassie went back to Mirkwood to check mail (Cassie) and research (Amira). Researching the “three spires” didn’t pull anything, but looking into ruins in Quoraska revealed an ancient temple of Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion in the jungle that has been considered a haunted and dark place in the jungle since the Calamity. Before setting off, you looked into various job boards across town and campus to see if there was anything you could pick up to earn some cash in the jungle….
Setting off, you made your way to Raska Lake where you met with the Lady of the Lake before camping overnight on the shore.
Captain Amira’s map now has the Quoraska Jungle with a dot on what she thinks is “Tharizdun”
Travel to Raska Lake. Fight a group that was attaching the guardian dragon of the lake. We get to see Milora and she removes the brands on Scrum and Katrina.
Stone learns its ancient magic but there’s a solution through a great act whether kind or selfish.
Applethorns destiny is aligned with Captain Amira. believe it has to do with the three spires