25 Thunsheer 835
Ruidus visible
The next morning, Della conferred with Amira and they both agreed that they aren’t sure about Alyxian, with Amira saying she hasn’t trusted him from the beginning. At breakfast, Scrum tried the beacon and it seemed to work after a mending spell from Della yesterday. Then you headed back to meet with Sandrius, meeting his personal Archivist, Jameson, and his Inquisitor (kind of). Sandrius agreed to your proposal to skip buying a house in lieu of letting you get the boat of your (Amira’s) dream. He’ll give you 22,000 gp and three spell scrolls of Teleportation to purchase and design the ship you want; but this will be the only payment you receive. As part of this, you also agreed that you would work with Sandrius to the agreeable end of your arrangement. At this point, he hopes to work toward finding information on Lichdom in order to monitor Vellis’s future actions or, worst case, gather enough evidence to convince others that Vellis is on the path toward necromantic immortality.
With that, Sandrius teleported you to Felderwin where you found the blue and white house of Demaris Franc, Sednos’s contact who was hostile, thinking you might be spies for the Empire. In order to prove yourself, he asked that you travel into the Ashkeeper Peaks and find the ruined manor of eccentric billionaire Elsend Trawl, which is being outfitted as an Imperial outpost to search for the Kryn Dynasty. The general there, Harlton Anador, is a dwarf who takes meticulous notes on his strategies and battle plans. If you can retrieve it, you’ll give the Dynasty a leg up against the Empire and prove your loyalty to them. You agreed and even though Applethorn knew just where you were going, the local wildlife made the journey a little difficult.
That evening, with the moon high above you, you look down at the ruined manor crawling with soldiers. After some creative stealth, you skirted most of the guard and jumped the General in his room, taking him down and absconding with the journal to collapse in a makeshift camp as soon as possible.