Wereboar Crime Boss
Bristlebuck was encountered shortly after the party was caught breaking n’ entering. Under the premise that they owed him, Bristlebuck asked that they go and destroy the local Druids weapon they apparently had to attack Oletri. Sent a pack of stealthy ratmen after them to kill the druid, Whotark. When the party returned. Bristlebuck was already setting up his final plan to slaughter the village for reasons unclear, when the party wasn’t immediately cooperative he just set the plan into motion. Turning into a wereboar and using some kind of psionic(?) crystal to suppress the populaces survival instincts and make attacking him in close quarters difficult.
After a long and tough fight he used a monstrosity to retreat barely managing to survive the battle, leaving large swaths of Oletri in Ruins.
Is apparently going to be attending the Macabre Masquerade in a few weeks time.