4 Rova 4715
Session 11
—— Flashback in time for the Hellfire special events ——
Ham does a sick tattoo for some wealthy noble from out of town and gets some hot-gos.
Larc meets the foreman from the river clean up crew early in the morning at Clenchjaw’s. Turns out Chungledown Bim lost his job swiftly after it was discovered that two units had mysteriously vanished. Larc is able to comfort the man before quickly snagging the bots back from Ayse’s workshop to strike a deal for some manner of regular access to his office/the bots. Details are iffy on how this will work out.
Lucius is getting brunch with some theater girls when his boyhood bully Giraud Tanessen, who recently returned from Egorian, spots him and begins to make trouble. The two verbally duel back and forth over their importance to the Academy, life since Tanessan left Kintargo, and Shensen. Lucius came out on top handily and the bully backs down in embarrassment, forced to concede and retreat in front of his lackeys. A new party rival is born.
Ayse is visited by an important noblewoman from out of town who is accompanied by paparazzi. She asks after Ayse’s Uncle for a special order, but decides to give Ayse a day to try his own hand at making the order before she’s forced to go to other sources. Another catch is that she wants to receive the order discreetly, so charges Ayse with also removing the annoying accompaniment from the paparazzi. Ayse manages to find the formula in his uncle’s book, decipher the coded recipe, perfectly craft the order, and hire muscle to deal with the paparazzi all in a day. With such a swimming success, he earns a valuable client, and new recipes for his own formula book.
Vazra receives word that one of his shipments was lost in transit, so he has to think quick on his feet to satisfy his client. He quickly manages to put together a faux replacement that passes as the real thing. In the process of buying the necessary materials however, the shop keep alludes to a kid who sold something EXACTLY like what Vazra was getting to him. Vazra manages to loosen the shop-keep’s tongue with coin and gets details on the kid. Fast Tony and Slimy Carl assist in tracking down the shipment while Vazra pays a visit to the kid. With a very successful intimidation campaign in the kids living room, Vazra finds out that he was a low level grunt given the item to sell by the Red Jills. Vazra convinces him to flip and be an inside informant for him for extra coin.
—— Back to the Present ——
Zea leads the group to the Devil’s Nursery where they gather in a small abandoned shop. It is here that the locals had placed the body on a table so the party could inspect them prior to cremation. The group gives a good once over of the corpse, and a few details catch their eye. Larc and Vazra notice strange bite marks covering the body, while Ham notices that all of the person’s teeth have been viciously and purposefully removed while smashing the face of the victim. This combination of clues leads Ayse to believe that the deaths are the work of Fey known as Tooth Fairies.
With this in mind the group spends a great deal of time discussing how to attract and dispose of the potential threats. Lucius proposes starting a pop up dental clinic to pull teeth from members of the community who otherwise didn’t have access to dental services and needed them pulled, allowing for a collection of said teeth to use as bait. The rest of the party was far less enthusiastic about his two-for-one community outreach/neighborhood safety plan.
As the group surveys the site of the murder, revealing no additional information, they slowly come to a realization with Zea’s help. All of the murders have happened to lone persons traveling at night in secluded back alleys. It was this realization that formulated their ultimate plan to set a trap using Ayse as bait.
While the rest of the party works out setting up the ambush, Lucius acts on the information Ayse relayed about the Tooth Fairies being susceptible to Cold Iron weapons, and goes to his sword guy Javier for a commission. He procures a cold iron great sword with an engraving along the cross-guard that reads “The treacherous path bring one closest to glory” in celestial which he had quickly translated by Rexus. Lucius then returns to the party and presents the great sword to Larc as a gift.
The party gets down to setting up their ambush for the Tooth Fairies. Ayse is posted alone in a dead end back alley. At the back of the alley, Vazra and Ham hide behind boxes, while at the mouth of the alley, Lucius and Larc are posing as passed out drunkards on the cross street to cover the exit. Here, the party lies in wait hoping the tooth fairies take the bait.
Session 12
- Tooth Fairies mentioned the Monarch, the lieutenant, the Progenitor, and the plan
- We find the trail of the fairies. Follow it below a burnt out bar. Fight the Monarch and more fairies. Monarch mentions the the progenitor, and says “the mother still lives, and she is wise”
Session 13