Located in a world of eternal overcast skies, Aternum’s landscape is characterized by vast expanses of black ashen earth, devoid of vegetation and signs of life. Sinister mountain ranges and ominous valleys dominate the terrain, while great lakes and bays exude an eerie stillness. . Aternum is a place of chilling beauty and unsettling mysteries, where the relentless shadow of the unknown looms large over its bleak and forbidding landscape.
[[The plague citadel]]
[[The City of Bronze]]
[[Camp Daedruk]]
Geographical Features
[[Bay of Dread]]
[[Bay of the Serpent]]
[[Isle of Eclipses]]
[[Realmweaver’s wound]]
[[Stagnant Bleak]]
[[the Burning Sorrow]]
[[The Cradle of Aternum]]
[[The Spiremaze]]