The Twelve
There were twelve original gods of Archontos, with the earliest written reference to one of them dating to 1218 SP (it refers to Thoth). Certainly, all of the Twelve were acknowledged by c.500 SP, and thus they were the gods whom the Archonteans brought with them in the great period of imperial expansion. During this golden age, the Twelve each boasted broad portfolios of ‘expertise’. This made syncretism not only possible but common during the Archontean expansion: it was easy enough for the Archonteans to see in some foreign god a particular ‘aspect’ of one of the Twelve. Many aspects were thus ‘discovered.’ For whatever reason, worship of the Twelve had become ossified and ritualized by the time of the War of Sortians and Theosophs.
In the present, worship of the old gods is rare. Some of the Twelve are forgotten; at least one (Horus) is presumed “dead;” and another (Set) is the object of secretive, illegal cult worship. The Ten and the Seventeen have clearly replaced them.