19 Hammer 1491
We arrive at Hanbaishi
Fluke talks to the Dock Master
- He pays the required expenses
- We unexpectedly get inspected
- The inspection goes well
- The Captain tells Fluke to try and bribe them next time to avoid any further inspections
In the city
- We get stopped by a shady individual who wants us to pay him as a guide
- He loses interest when we tell him that we have no money
- We head to The Silver Emporium
- There are gnomes and halflings working on jewelry pieces
- A half elf is in charge
- We buy a 100 gp pearl
- We go to Clockwork Curiosities
- There are a bunch of weird devices but nothing were particularly interested in
- We head to the Crystal Cascade
- Kori Yamada greets us
- He closes the shop and takes us into the back
- Kori wants us to travel to the Chromatic Veil and collect as many crystals as possible
- Kori Yamada greets us
Session 21
We decide to get some lunch at the Corner Grill
On the way
- We see a lot of different races of people
- There is a group of street performers
- We stop to listen for a bit
- A man approaches us
- He is doing an extended bit of traveling (or so he says)
- He calls himself “Eamon“
- We invite him to join us for dinner
- On the way, Eamon keeps moving faster than the rest of us and then having to slow down to wait for us
Fluke spots a place to get more bullets
At the Corner Grill
- This place seems to cater to all walks of life
- Mina notices that the weather on this planet seems to be artificial
- Eamon tells us that he’s on a tour with the Star Wanderer travel company
- Eamon is VERY interested in our stories
- He is probably smarter than he’s trying to appear
- Fluke checks to see if any of the Warforged at the restaurant are sentient
- They are not
- Fluke confides in MAC that he really wants to find another Warforged like him
- Fluke feels lonely
Eamon pays for half of the dinner and leaves
We stay and chat for a while afterwards
Fluke, MAC, and Morti go to the armory that Fluke sawFluke buys a horn of gunpowder
We return to the shipMina checks to see if Otto knows how to get to the Chromatic Veil (they do not)
Fluke informs the Captain about our mission
Rusco feels homesick and conjures a skulk of foxes for comfort
MAC animates her hammock so that it rocks her to sleep
Long Rest