4 Hammer 1491
Session 13
Mina and Rusco go to the Capital Ship
- We ask to see Commander Zumnorin Ashine
- We are taken to his quarters
- We tell him about the Intellect Devourers and possible Mind Flayers on Bral.
- He says he’s going to notify someone and asks if we want to stay on board
- We want to stay and deal with the situation
- He is saddened by the news but says he understands
- We want to stay and deal with the situation
- He says he’s going to notify someone and asks if we want to stay on board
- We leave the ship
- There are alarms going off and activity around the ship has increased
The Capital Ship leaves
The Captain talks to us (Stardate 3.14159)
- He explains what happened while he was gone
- Liingard was taken over by an Intellect Devourer and had to be killed
- Ozamata wants us to take care of this problem
- There is a substantial reward for completing this task
- The Captain says we are obligated to do it
- We tell him what happened with Bastion Greymon and Pantoren
- We reluctantly agree to take care of this
- The Captain gives us 5 healing potions and 2 greater healing potions to help us out
We discuss our next course of action
- The Unknowable One definitely knows we’re coming
- Mina uses augery to ask the stars if we are on the correct course (receives Weal and Woe response)
- Arwik asks his Goddess but she is uncertain as well
- Rusco meditates and feels the presence of the other asteroids orbiting the same planet as Bral
- Fluke takes MAC aside
- Suggests that we could borrow money from Yestri and find our own way off of Bral
- MAC understands his reasoning but feels that it wouldn’t be wise to make a powerful enemy out of Ozamata
- Rusco changes Fennels appearance to that of a cat
- We decide to head to the sewers to start searching
We sneak our way to the nearest sewer entrance (near the Violet Anvil)
- Rusco uses Pass Without Trace to help us
- Morti questions whether sneaking around will help
In the sewers
- We try to find the area under Dimetrius’s house
- There is a slight upward slope on the path we are traveling
- Mina casts Walk on Water on everyone to help us keep our footing
- Morti casts light on Rusco’s staff
- Fluke lights torches along our path to help us find our way back
- We find some people who live in the sewers
- They seem afraid of us
- We leave them alone
- Fluke confides to MAC that he isn’t sure where we are but we seem to be somewhere in the Middle City
- Fluke thinks that we should find another upward slope when we can but isn’t certain
- We find a locked set of bars that leads to a door
- MAC misty steps to the other side of the bars and ends up in a closet (escape hatch?)
- Someone walks by the closet
- MAC peeks through the door
- There is someone who appears to be binding a book
- The person is carrying weapons
- The windows are all covered
- Something illegal is happening here
- Rusco turns into a spider and goes to investigate
- There are about 60 books on a bookshelf that are arranged very haphazardly
- Rusco looks out one of the windows
- No one looks at the shop or stops near it
- The shop doesn’t have a sign but it is close to another shop called “Spellbound Surplus”
- Arwik thinks that the shop is close to “Gasper’s Reclamations”
- MAC misty steps to the other side of the bars and ends up in a closet (escape hatch?)
- We’ve been searching for an hour
- Fluke has no idea where we are
- Suggests that we head to the surface to at least get our bearings
- Reminds everyone that we don’t know where we’re going
- Fluke has no idea where we are
Session 14
We go back to the ship
We discuss our options
- We could find one of the Unknowable One’s thralls and giving them to bring us to him.
- We could talk to the prince
- We could start spreading the information we have as publicly as possible to try and get someone’s attention
- We could head to Dimetrius’s house and start searching there
We head to Dimetrius’s house
- A lot of people are watching us
- Some just seem curious
- Others are paying more attentiion
- We are being followed
- We make it known that we are aware of our followers
- We are being followed
We enter Demetrius’s house
- It looks like nothing has changed
Back in the sewers
- We head back to the area where we fought the Intellect Devourers
- The bodies have been moved and the area has been cleaned
- We continue exploring
- Fluke lights torches to help us find our way back
- We find a T-section
- We find an iron gate blocking our path on one side
- This one doesn’t have a gap at the bottom
- Someone small could squeeze through
- We send Fennel to investigate
- There isn’t much here
- We send Fennel to investigate
- We head down the other path
- MAC and Rusco scout ahead
- We find a makeshift common area and a bunch of weapons
- A lot of these belongings were owned by our old shipmates who came down here
- Rusco keeps the two daggers (they are serviceable but need to be repaired)
- A lot of these belongings were owned by our old shipmates who came down here
- We find a makeshift common area and a bunch of weapons
- We keep investigating
- We find another sleeping area with bedrolls and tents
- We find a locked door
- Fluke checks the door and realizes that it’s locked from our side
- We crack open the door and then change our minds
- We find and open another door
- It’s pitch black inside (darkvision doesn’t help)
- Rusco goes in and gets caught up in a change in gravity
- MAC and Rusco scout ahead
- We find an iron gate blocking our path on one side
We kill the Echo Elf and the Gravity Mage
Session 15
Short rest
- Arwik searches the room we’re in
- Finds
- Component Pouch (split by entire party)
- Glaive with notches for magical gems (Fluke)
- Spell book (Rusco)
- Finds
We continue on our way
- We find a gate that is too heavy to lift
- There is a switch on the other side that seems to open the gate
- MAC uses Mage Hand to pull the lever but it’s not strong enough
- MAC pulls the lever again and Arwik slides under the gate quickly to hold the lever down
- Fluke and MAC come through quickly and help Arwik
- There is a switch on the other side that seems to open the gate
We keep going
- We run into another gate with an iron bar across it
- Mina misty steps to the other side and opens the gate for us
- We find a dilapidated set of stone stairs leading down
- We carefully make our way down
- It’s pitch black down here (Only Rusco and Mina can see)
- We carefully make our way down
There are two doors
- One is in better shape than the rest of the area
- The other is pretty beaten up
- We go through the nice door
- We find a set of very old tombs
- They are for a group of paladins
- We find:
- Starlight Pendant (Arwik)
- Unidentified Sword (Fluke is carrying)
- We find:
- They are for a group of paladins
- We find a set of very old tombs
- We open the worn out door
- It’s carved to look like a skull
We find ourselves in a cavern
- It’s carved to look like a skull
- There are some bioluminescent plants growing and strange glowing crystals around
- Mina collects one of the crystals
- It’s very heavy
- Mina collects one of the crystals
- We investigate a large chamber
- Something seems to have carved this chamber
- Something large comes out of a hole in the ground
- We kill the two Umberhulks
- Fluke harvests one of the Umberhulk’s eyes
Session 16
Long Rest
- While we are resting, Rusco spins webs to warn us of anyone approaching
- An intellect devourer walks by
- More people start to arrive
- We come up with a plan to get past them
- The plan doesn’t work at all
- We make our way to the next chamber
- The Unknowable One and an Adolescent Elder Brain are in the room along with a Gravity Mage
Session 17
The fight continues
- Some of us come close to dying
- We manage to kill the Unknowable One and the Elder Brain
- The Gravity Mage dies shortly afterwards
Session 18
Arwik and Morti have a conversation about combat tactics
- Arwik feels that Morti might be better served by staying out of melee combat
- Morti agrees
We investigate the room
- Morti agrees
- Mina and Arwik find a Red and Silver quill
- There is no source of ink
- MAC find a strange mercurial substance and puts it in a jar
- We find a tank full of green water
- Fluke notices that there are three small tadpoles inside (possibly baby mind flayers)
- Rusco investigates the other room
- It’s very quiet
- Fluke harvests some pieces of the elder brain
- We find a bunch of documents
- They are written in some kind of code
- MAC, Rina, and Fluke work together to break the code
- The notes mention The Return
- The Return was helping the Unknowable One to create the elder brain (they may already have a presense on Bral)
- They also mention an individual with a hunch (Mina and Rusco have met someone like them before though probably not the same person)
- MAC, Rina, and Fluke work together to break the code
- They are written in some kind of code
- We find:
- 200 gp
- a magic quill
- a jar containing a mercurial substance
- a magic shield
- We investigate the Unknowable One
- He had a physical connection to the elder brain
- Usually there is just a psychic connection
- It’s possible that this was necessary because the elder brain was so young
- Usually there is just a psychic connection
- He had a physical connection to the elder brain
Morti heals us a bit
We head back to the ship
- The Captain greets us
- He congratulates us on completing our mission before we say anything
- We show him the journal and the tadpoles
- He asks for them and we give them to him
- The Captain tells us that we will be leaving as soon as he returns from talking to Ozamata
- Rusco etches a message (Hope) in druidic in the stone by the dock in case any other druids come here
The Captain returns and we depart from Bral
- We are headed to Hanbaishi
- It is a 15 day trip with a refresh on Day 8
We’re Level 6 now!!!!