28 Hammer 1491
Session 30
Our repair ship arrives
- Taigh McKinzie
- Fluke negotiates a price (2500 gp)
- Taigh offers to replace our sails if we’re willing to come to Dridyr
- It will cost 7000 gp
- The repairs will take four days
- Fluke and MAC assist
We spend the next four days moving slowly towards Hanbaishi
- Arwik retires Ol’ Scaley and attunes to Ol’ Shiny
- Mina works on understanding the star charts
- One is a location within the astral sea
- It depicts the same location as the paper map we found
- One is a location within the astral sea
- Rusco and Morti create a space for a garden (including a magical assist from Druidcraft and Plant Growth)
–Three slow-growing crops (squash, plums, potatoes; each take about 90 days to harvest naturally)
–Three medicinal herbs (curcuma [anti-inflammatory], mint [stomach/muscle relief], chamomile [rest/wound-healing]) - MAC and Fluke modify the ship so we can move faster
–A gantry is set up to help get from the lower deck to the castle deck
–One action for a person to pull from above, one action to ride up (either can be a held action to coordinate)
–Can be climbed for 30 ft of movement, no skill check. - Fluke works on his lantern project