2 Hammer 1491
Session 3
Happy Beholder
party discusses next steps
- Rusco uses an animal messenger to deliver a message to Koalitio ship
Next morning (Stardate 90210)
- Mina and Rusco head to Koalitio ship
- Arwik goes to work
- MAC and Fluke go to their ship
- Morti goes to check on the body
Koalitio Ship
- Mina and Rusco meet with Lt. Kylen
- Kylen cant answer Mina’s questions, wants to convince her to stay
- Kylen brings Mina and Rusco to Commander Zumnorin Ashine
- When asked about The Return: he calls them “Turncoats and terrorists” and says “The Return does not often release prisoners”
- Mina was the only survivor among those taken prisoner, other Craians have returned home except the Circle of Dreams Druid
Go speak with other druid - Reledor
- He plans to return and tell of what happened and that Mina was the only one who was found
- Gives Mina and Rusco paper to send messages home
- MAC and Fluke go to their ship
- MAC tells Captin Fourbeard about the suspected Mindflayer attack
- Captain says he is the last of his kind
- Was reading a book
- Says it’s called “Tactics of the Gith in Sub Astral Conflict” (MAC thinks it’s probably tentacle porn)
Back at the Happy Beholder
- Body is in a crate
- Arwik shares with Morti that he was a member of Hop’s planetary defense forces, the Iron Tails, and that his planet was conquered by a coalition of Thri-kreen & Lizardfolk invaders, also how he became a paladin for Lopunny. Arwik is currently an exile as former Iron Tails are no longer safe on Hop.
- MAC magically creates a cart to carry the body on
- Rusco becomes a horse
Temple District
- Many gods represented
- Changebringer
- Palor
- Nerull
- Go into Temple of Nerull
- very run down
- pay priests to shoot the body off the rock
- MAC pulls the trigger
Session 4
Morti and Arwik > Illithid
- “Mindflayers, Scourge of Worlds”
- cultural fugitives
- hivemind - Elder Brain
- lay eggs in people
- Enemies - Githyanki and Githzeri
- Tralls - people they have control over
MAC and Fluke > Eisvoli
- dont find much, look for info on Princes of Bral
- Eberron Houses - house Cannith responsible for warforged?
- Bral - founded by a pirate named Bral, 170 years ago
- Kosar consolidated power through alliance, becoming first prince
- Frun, constructed the arena, renovated Star Haven (royal palace)
- Calar, very short reign, days?
- Andru
Mina and Rusco > Find info on Koalitio and Return
- current Tempori not powerful, Return attacks more frequently (article apx 3 years old)
- Unity pact - calls for vigilance against return, wants Merellien Erwarin to replace current Tempori
- Return attack article, political envoy harrased and attacked About the attack when Mina was captured, Unity pact using attack to further their agenda
Mina > Star Charts
Mina learned that star charts usually have a destination, but hers has “nothing”.
Session 5
Regrouping after research
- how long has fourbeard been the only mindflayer?
Approached by Ookhoo Mistborn to get a sample of water from the lake to help him prove that Justine Abernath-Wilcox is dumping toxic waste there (someone is ABSOLUTELY dumping toxic waste there, which resulted in the group fighting some mutant animal things).
Session 6 (no recording)
go to see Ookhoo
- wont say what killed Prince Calar
- didnt know Dimetrius was dead
- Eisvoli disbanded 10 years ago
- had to take up royal duties
- Calar had lover Anita - ended up with dimetrius, but died in childbirth 5 years ago - scared of the return, neutral on Koalitio
- how to get into the palace - ask Gadaric Main - prince’s chief advisor
Go to Elmander
- All star charts lead somewhere
- constellations/formations that are familiar would orient you
- there is nothing in the center of Mina’s
- would be apx 600GP for Elmander to research - may be some jobs we can do
- Rusco looks at charts of the outer realms - Mius crystal sphere, one planet Zimarus
- Elmander warns the star chart is valuable , keep it secret - made long ago by those in the astral sea
Session 7
Back at Happy Beholder
MAC pretends to command Arwik to not take any orders
Lots of backstory talk
- Morti is trying to learn about different deities
- Rusco is next in line to be the Archdruid of their people (Circle of the Moon). They have to prove themselves as a capable leader. They are hoping to find out what happened to the rest of the Druids who were kidnapped.
- Mina has been selected by the elders of her circle (Circle of the Stars) for an unknown reason. She was told that she was full of potential. It may have something to do with her abilities.
- Fluke has no memories from before MAC fixed him on The Heap. He is extremely unique among Warforged because he has free will and emotions.
- MAC was thrown away by her parents because she didn’t follow the family traditions. She spent most of her life on The Heap
- Arwik was forced to flee his homeworld to avoid being executed. He’s been on Bral for a few weeks. The Koalitio did nothing to help his people because they weren’t members of the Coalition.
We talk about our abilities
- Arwik can see invisible creatures and sense when other types of creatures are nearby
- Fluke introduces Quirk and some of his other inventions
- MAC talks about her creations
- Morti shows everyone his telepathy
- Mina uses misty step to teleport across the room
- Rusco talks about their ability to turn into animals and shows us some of Fennel’s abilities.
We get a room and take a long rest