25 Hammer 1491
In the morning
- Pak’Cha makes something special for each individual for breakfast
- Fluke uses the opportunity to talk to everyone about the dragon dilemma
- Most people are for it
- People are impressed that he went to them for input before deciding
- They like that he considers the crew members’ opinions and kept an open mind
- Orten asks Arwik about the plan
- He’s very nervous about fighting a dragon
- Arwik tries to ease his mind but ends up telling him to try not to think about it
- Fluke and MAC finish mending the ship
- Rusco talks to MAC
- They ask her for advice about what spells would be helpful
- They reference Heat Metal
- They ask her for advice about what spells would be helpful
- Mina watches the crystal palace but nothing noteworthy happens
We carry out our plan - We talk to the Veilweavers
- Three of them come on board
Session 27
We start heading out of the Chromatic Veil
- We prep the ship for an attack
- We find out that there are other Veilweaver colonies
The ship we saw earlier starts coming after us
To be continued
Session 28
The fight continues
We kill the enemy crew
- 1,000 gp
- 6 10 gp gems
- Spell scroll of calm emotions
- A bunch of ammunition
- A crystal spelljamming helm
- A boat wheel
- 3 star maps
- 7 ballista bolts
- 3 mangonel stones
It takes a while to loot the ship
This fight took a lot out of us