26 Hammer 1491
Session 29: Into the Crystal Hoard
We discuss our next move.
- We find a place to hide the ship
- We do some repairs on the ship
- Morti creates a zombie
Long Rest
We go to get more Veilweavers
- We manage to convince 7 more Veilweavers (we have 10 total on the ship)
Something is coming for us
- It’s the Crystal Dragon Daisai
We defeat Daisai - but just barely
3 books
- On Xen’drick and the Quori
- Exploration: An Abridged History
- Organizing the Chaos: A Great Charter to Unite the Unwilling Spheres
4 Star Maps
3 maps
- One of the nebula
- One of an area on a mystery world
- Map of a University in the Astral Sea (related to the Duneideann Star Map)
2 potions
- Potion of Supreme Healing
- Potion of Speed
Terrasque Stuffed Animal - Snuggle Beast
Crystal Longsword
3 bronze mugs with jewels (250 gp each)
1 bronze crown (250 gp)
Ivory Dragon Statue (250 gp)
15,000 gp
1,300 pp
We bring everything onto the ship
We negotiate a split between our party and the crew
- We settle on a 60/40 split in the ship’s favor, then split our portion seven ways (one for each party member, and an equal cut toward a party fund)
We discuss what we’re going to do next - We need to repair the ship
- We can hire a service
- They can get the job done quickly
- They can be paid to be discreet
- We can hire a service
- We should message to tell him that we’re bringing a lot of crystals back but he’ll have to wait a bit longer than expected
- We’re going to have to avoid the Koalitio and not let the ship get inspected when we return to Hanbaishi
The captain told Fluke that he’s really impressed by our group - We’re starting to make the ship a lot better than it’s ever been
We make our way back to Hanbaishi
Long Rest