3 Hammer 1491
Ookhoo Mistborn comes to get us in the morning (Stardate 8675309)
- have an audience after lunch
- someone broke into Demetrius’ house last night
Session 8
We ask about Demetrius
- He kept to himself mostly
- His life wasn’t very exciting after his wife died
- He spent a lot of time in the palace
- He was good at going unnoticed
We head to the Violet Anvil
- The body has attracted a lot of curious people and has helped sales
- Ozrakir Omen I’d very curious about what we’re investigating
We head to Demetrius’s House
- There aren’t any obvious signs of a break in
- There aren’t any traps or alarms
- The door is already unlocked and partially open
- We go inside
- The house has not be kept up very well
- There is dust everywhere and there are tracks in the dust
- 5 humanoids (3 wearing shoes, one Hadozee, one animalistic (Tabaxi?))
- One side of the house has been walled off and is extremely dilapidated
- We find a secret door in the study
Our First Dungeon!!
- We find a small bedroom that has been completely searched
- We find a section of wall that is in the process of being torn down
- We take down the wall
- We find a full store room and a room
- Someone has been using this space recently
- We find a room with four chests
- There is spoiled tea in three of the chests
- The tea is hiding three pouches full of a green crystalline powder
- There is spoiled tea in three of the chests
- Morti hears something
- We all listen in
- There is something alive down here
- We all listen in
Session 9
We go to investigate the noise
- There is a portcullis blocking our path.
- Fluke carries a rope under it and we all swim under
We find a bunch of creatures that may have been humanoid at some point (Thralls).
- Fluke carries a rope under it and we all swim under
- Possibly controlled by a mind flayer
FIGHT! - We kill the thralls
- Someone seems to have been taken hostage (Ayo Jabe)
We keep exploring - MAC finds a body
- She was part of MAC and Fluke’s crew (Xeno Elaine - one of the deck hands)
- She hasn’t been dead long
- She doesn’t have any holes in her head but she has a lot of claw marks on her body
- There is also a dead brain with legs nearby (Intellect Devourer)
- Morti and Arwik go to investigate
- Arwik pokes at the brain
- It wakes up and attacks Arwik
- We kill five Intellect Devourers
- Arwik had his intelligence taken by the brains
- We make several attempts to restore his intelligence but are unsuccessful
- MAC and Fluke explore the room the Intellect Devourers came from
- There is a lot of illegal trade goods
- MAC takes four white horns
- Most likely used for less widely accepted spells or potions
- MAC takes four white horns
- There is a lot of illegal trade goods
We interrogate Ayo using Zone of Truth
- She sometimes deals in illegal goods (not the ones we found here)
- Works for Drogon Forge on the Void Skimmer
- Mentions the Dohwar
Session 10
We head to the Happy Beholder to ask Luigi’s help with Arwik’s condition
- Luigi leads us to his private residence through a secret door
- Luigi has a loan guy,Yestri, who could give us the money to pay for a spell from the temples
- We agree to meet him but we want to talk to the captain first.
- We go to the shop to see the captain
- He is willing to lend us the 1000gp to help Arwik
- As part of paying him back, we have to agree to help find his missing crew, and if unable to find them, we have to take their places.
- He has a special job for Fluke but doesn’t share the details.
MAC and Fluke go talk to Yestri to let him know we won’t need his services.
- Yestri tries (and nearly succeeds) to convince MAC + Fluke to use his services instead
- He’ll cast the spell in exchange for us delivering a mysterious package to the prince
- MAC wants nothing to do with him
- Fluke agrees but Yestri isn’t willing to make the deal with Fluke.
- MAC + Fluke have their first fight.
- He’ll cast the spell in exchange for us delivering a mysterious package to the prince
Rusco, Mina, Morti, and Arwik go to a temple of Palor
- One of the priests comes and explains that it will require a 1,000 gp donation to receive a casting of Greater Restoration
- We agree to the cost and
- MAC and Fluke arrive with the gold
- Arwik is restored.
- Rusco and MAC interrogate the cleric at the temple about why the cost is so high
- They ask questions about what they do for those who can’t pay,l
- The Cleric explains that those who can’t pay, usually don’t ask them for help.
- The priest tries to explain further but MAC ends the conversation abruptly and we all leave.
- They ask questions about what they do for those who can’t pay,l
Fluke apologizes to MAC for not listening to her.
- He is still confused about the whole situation but he trusts MAC and promises to listen to her next time.
We start figuring out our next move.
Fluke returns to the ship to find out what the captain needs from him.
Session 11
Short Rest
We split the party
- Arwik and Fluke go to meet Ookhoo Mistborn and talk to Gadaric Main.
- Rusco, Mina, Morti, and MAC head back to Dimetrius’ House
Everyone has a lot on their mind
When the party reaches Demetrius’ house there are three people coming out: Bastion Greymon, Alexander Lingaard, and Pantoren
- They are pretty beat up but are adamant about getting back to the ship as quickly as possible.
- They tell us they were in the sewers checking out the store rooms when they were attacked.
- Lingaard says they were ambushed by 3 people but Pantoren says there were 4 attackers (stories don’t line up).
- They keep calling the captain by his full name which is odd.
- We suspect they’ve been infected.
We follow them back to the ship.
- They tell us they were in the sewers checking out the store rooms when they were attacked.
- They seem to be trying to avoid being tailed but we manage to keep up.
- It seems like a lot of people try to slow us down
- MAC creates a diversion and messages the captain about our concerns
- He responds: “Let them come.”
At the ship
- The captain and Lingaard square off
- Lingaard wants to take over as captain
- They are to go see the financier to settle things
On the ship
- MAC goes to talk to Pak’Cha about what’s happening
- The two of them go to see Pantoren and Bastion
- Bastion and Pantoren are sitting in their bunks staring at each other
- Pantoren tells MAC that Lingaard has been planning to overthrow the captain for a while
- Ozamata is the financier and killed Dimetrius to increase his power
- He asks MAC and Pak’Cha which side they want to be on
- Pak’Cha leaves
- MAC casts fear on them and and calls for help
- Rusco, Mina, and Morti come and help tie them up
We have to figure out our next move
- We could talk to the Prince
- He might be working with the unknowable one even if he doesn’t realize it.
- The unknowable one has a smuggling operation that puts them in direct conflict with Ozamata’s operation.
- He might be working with the unknowable one even if he doesn’t realize it.
- We could head back to the sewer to try and learn more about what’s happening
- We could also wait here for the captain to return.
We check our captives for bites.
- Both of them have been infected
Session 12
Arwik and Fluke
We go to meet Ookhoo
- Fluke asks Arwik about what happened at the temple
- Fluke catches Arwik up on what happened while he lost his intelligence
We arrive at the palace
- We hear a lot of people talking about the Koalitio and Craia
- We get our turn to speak
- We tell the Proconsul about the water being poisoned
- We tell him about the intellect devourers
- We tell him about Demetrius
- The Proconsul abruptly ends the days session even though other people are waiting
Arwik and Ookhoo make small talk on our way out
Arwik asks Fluke what he noticed in the palace - Fluke noticed that two people left when Demetrius was mentioned
- They may have gone to inform their bosses
Fluke and Arwik talk about Mind Flayers
- They may have gone to inform their bosses
At the ship
The party regroups
- We catch Arwik and Fluke up on what’s been happening on board and what we found out
- We consider going to find the Captain
- We go talk to the Quartermaster instead
- We tell Algrex about the Intellect Devourers on board
- Algrex tells us that the captain didn’t send the infected crew on that mission (Ozamata did)
- Algrex tells us we may have to fight for the captain
Pak’Cha tells us that the infected crew have untied themselves and are trying to escape the room
- We find out that the Intellect Devourers have left their hosts
We kill the Intellect Devourers
Bastion and Pantoren are dead
- The creatures appear to have teleported out of their victims
- They appear to have been dead since before we found them at the house
There may be a lot more infected people than we originally thought
We have a very long conversation about where to sleep
- We settle on the ship
Mina and Rusco go to talk to the Koalitio and speak with the commander
Long Rest
MAC helps Fluke work on Quirk for a bit
- MAC makes Quirk extra cuddly
While everyone is resting, the captain returns
- Fluke greets him and catches him up on what happened
- Fluke recommends naming the ship to bring some good luck to the crew
- The captain wants everyone to meet with him in the morning
- We’re not in trouble but we’re going to be held accountable for the trouble we’ve brought the ship