24 Hammer 1491
We arrive at the Chromatic Veil
- It is breathtakingly beautiful
- MAC knows from stories she’s heard that Nebulas can be very dangerous as well
- Fluke’s Mohawk starts glowing bright white
- Neither MAC nor Fluke can explain why that’s happening
- Objects start bumping into the ship
- Rusco tries to catch one
- They accidentally fall of the ship
- MAC is able to rescue them
- They are poking holes into the sails
- We do what we can to protect the sails
- The objects are geodes
- We start collecting them
- We manage to collect 82 crystals
- Rusco tries to catch one
- We get attacked by a murder comet
We kill the murder comet but it explodes and puts a large hole in the hull of the ship
We find a place to hide the ship near an asteroid
Short Rest
- We spend some time repairing the ship
- Mina spots some large crystals in the distance
- Rusco collects some sand/dirt from the asteroid
We head back out to collect some more crystals
- We are able to collect 50 this time
- Current Total - 132 crystals
Three more murder comets arrive
Session 23
The three murder comets close in to attack
We kill the three murder comets but the ship takes more damage
We prep the ship’s weapons in case we get attacked again
Fluke checks on the status of the ship and reports his findings to the Captain
MAC investigates a piece of murder comet
- It’s a normal stone that has been imbued with an old form of magic
We go and investigate the crystal structures - There are gaseous forms within the crystal “huts”
- The gases start to form into a person of sorts
- There are life forms living in the crystals
- Veilweavers!!
- MAC casts Comprehend Languages to speak to them
- They don’t actually speak but communicate telepathically
- They are trapped here
- Fluke uses the Quicksilver Clay to create images of different types of humanoids
- The Veilweaver indicates that Fluke is close with the dragonborn image
- Fluke creates an image of an actual dragon
- The Veilweaver looks afraid
There is a dragon around here somewhere
- Mina sees a silver and lavender ship in the distance
Session 24
We head towards the ship
- We try to bring one of the Veilweavers with us
- The other ship keeps moving away from us
- We figure out that the other ship doesn’t want the Veilweaver to come along
- We drop off the Veilweaver and make our way to the ship
At the ship
- It’s another Star Moth
- This one is very elegant
- It’s docked inside of an asteroid
- We head inside
- We don’t see anyone
- We end up in a library
- Rusco tries to read one of the books but it starts to break (it’s very old)
- An invisible entity gently takes the book from Rusco and a candle before walking out of the library
- The entity leaves the door open behind it
- It seems to want us to follow it
- We follow it
Session 25
- We exit the foyer and enter a hall with 7 doors on each side
- We are searching for information on:
- MAC - the Veilweavers and their Captor (Main objective)
- Rusco - the Koalitio and the Return
- Mina - Craia
- Arwik - Hop
- Morti - death gods and death lore
- Fluke - any reports about other potentially sentient Warforged
- We ask the unseen servant to lead us to the library
- It takes us to a room filled with empty shelves and tables
- There doesn’t appear to be anyone here
- Arwik casts See Invisibility and spots a strange figure
- We approach the front desk
- An illusionary figure with faint elvish features appears (it’s the unseen servant)
- It informs us that this library includes the complete history of Astrolis
- Rusco asks for the most recently written book
- The illusion leads us to a large bookshelf
- There are no books on the shelf
- MAC asks how to access the books but the illusion is very unhelpful
- An illusionary figure with faint elvish features appears (it’s the unseen servant)
- This whole place is an illusion
- It takes us to a room filled with empty shelves and tables
- We ask the unseen servant to bring us to the nearest actual book
- It leads us to a closet full of neatly organized boxes
- We start digging through the boxes
- We find a lot of random stuff
- There seems to be a system to how everything is arranged
- There are markings on the front of each box
- We find a cipher that explains the markings
- They are a way to see what is in each box
- We find a cipher that explains the markings
- There are markings on the front of each box
- There seems to be a system to how everything is arranged
- Arwik finds a book about the Gith that references Pratum (may be connected to the invasion)
- MAC finds a book that theorizes that The Heap exists
- Rusco finds a box with a VeilWeaver crystal, a sketchbook, and three journals
- There is an entry near the front of the second journal that says “Daisai arrives. Veilweavers make homes in crystals that form shortly after
- There is some vague information about the Veilweavers
- There doesn’t seem to be any other life in the nebula
- Galaden mentions that she made contact but doesn’t say much else
- There is mention of their desire to travel and explore
- Their most powerful state is also their most frail (Daisai uses this weakness to keep them in check)
- Daisai is described as a huge crystal dragon (adult)
- Her followers call her “The Giver of Life”
- There is a little information about her palace
- She considers the Veilweavers to be part of her hoard
- She wants to create her own world
- We find a book called “Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons” that describes different types of dragons in more detail
- There is generic information about crystal dragons
- Galaden says she will continue to observe (as though from a theater) as these events take place
- A lot of the books in this storage space seem to be Galaden’s personal notes on anything she finds interesting
- There is quite a bit about Astrolis
- Her research on Astrolis ends very abruptly which is strange because she seemed very interested up to that point
- Something may have happened that caused her to leave
- There is a Star Map that shows where Astrolis is located.
- The constellation of Craia’s owl is on this star map
- Her research on Astrolis ends very abruptly which is strange because she seemed very interested up to that point
- There is quite a bit about Astrolis
- It leads us to a closet full of neatly organized boxes
Session 26
We discuss how to deal with the dragon
- Morti doesn’t want to fight it
- Rusco shares what they’ve learned about crystal dragons
- They are very possessive about their hoards and followers
- Arwik is unsure if we’re powerful enough to take on an adult dragon
- None of us want to leave the Veilweavers as it’s property
- We have a few options
- We’d like to try and talk to the dragon first
- We could take a couple of Veilweavers onto our ship and act like we’re leaving to draw the dragon out
Mina points out a ship docking at the crystal palace
- It looks like a sailing ship
- It looks like there are 6 or 7 humanoids getting off the ship
- The dragon emerges
- It places a cage around someone
- It’s a Veilweaver
- It places a cage around someone
- The ship may be capturing and collecting Veilweavers for the dragon
We decide to rest and repair our ship before potentially confronting the dragon - We head back to the ship
Fluke and Rusco go talk to the captain - Fluke explains what we found out
- Getting the most crystals will involve dealing with the dragon
- The captain suggests that we could quit while we’re ahead (we have about 3-5,000 gp worth of crystals already)
- Fluke suggests that the risk would result in a much bigger payout
- Rusco states that we’d also be helping the Veilweavers which is important to them
- The captain is unsure about putting the ship and crew at risk
- Fluke suggests that the captain allow us to fight the dragon off the ship to keep everyone else safe
- The captain suggests dropping the party off and flying the ship to safety
- Fluke suggests using the Veilweavers to lure the dragon out but admits that plan has several unknown factors
- The captain decides that we will take on the dragon but wants Fluke to come up with a strategy
- As Fluke is leaving, the captain tells Fluke that this decision will affect the entire crew
- Their lives are in his hands
- As Fluke is leaving, the captain tells Fluke that this decision will affect the entire crew
MAC mends the ship and is eventually joined by Fluke
- Fluke tells MAC about his dilemma
- MAC tells Fluke that she wants to do this
- MAC advises Fluke to talk to the crew before he makes a decision
Mina goes to keep an eye on the dragon
Arwik goes to talk with Pak’Cha
Rusco creates air bubbles for Arwik, Mina, Morti, and themselves
Long Rest