16 Eleint 1385
Session 12
The party arrived in Caer Callidyrr and promptly directed the cart back towards The Divine Park, parking it in the back alley exactly where they originally picked it up from. The group saw the back door and, after a quick discussion, some decided it would be a good idea to enter the back door rather than going around to the front entrance. Those who went through the back were met with a protective spell, causing a loud explosion to be heard, causing those at the front of the store to hurry inside. Penelope was shocked when she saw the group coming from the back and decided not to ask questions but asked if they could not do that next time.
Penelope sent a message to Anthol Spyley, asking for him at the shop and notifying him that the group had returned after their week and a half journey. The little fairy got the group some Tea of Refreshment, apparently her signature concoction for visitors, and waited patiently for Anthol, partaking in some small talk before asking any questions about their journey. Upon Anthol’s arrival, the group explained the events that transpired; the ambushes on the way down to Kythyss, the strange mark on the Gnoll leaders and the strange abilities it appeared to grant them, the disappearances, mist, and Red Wizard in Kythyss, Mayor Thardo‘s strange actions and the revelation of the Dream Eater, and the attack on Horsa on the way back up. Anthol and Penelope appeared a little shocked at these discoveries, causing Penelope to grab a bottle of alcohol and add it to her Tea of Refreshment, though she soon began drinking out of the bottle the more the story unfolded.
After the story was shared and plans were discussed, Penelope went to take another swig only for the bottle to stop short of her mouth. She appeared to be struggling with drinking the liquid and, after several attempts, tried to force it. Those watching her saw a finger appear between the bottle and Penelope’s lips. The finger then began to become more visible, showing it was attached to a hand, then an arm, then a body, and slowly the form of an Elven woman was revealed, with her finger still blocking the liquid from escaping the bottle. Penelope and Anthol suddenly gasped as Svetlana Trigg introduced herself and invited the group minus Anthol and Penelope to a meeting with her in a day or two as she overheard all that was discussed and wanted to discuss future plans with them. She then said she would deal with the other two later and promptly left.
The party then decided it would be best to leave and decided they would spend the rest of the day and the foloowing preparing themselves and taking care of their own business before reconveining at Hamwise’s Shop, Top Tinctures and Tonics.
Session 13
The group partook in their own endeavours for the rest of this day and the following;
Us spent time in his pocket dimension doing paperwork and focusing on his connection to Mechanus, causing him to have a vision - an ancestor of his met him on a field of death; corpses, strange clocks, and weird mechanical objects were strewn across the ground. This individual looked at Us and said
“So close, yet so far away.
Keep going on the right track, or all of this will be your fault.”
From here, Us was thrown back into his body in his pocket dimension, yet realised the clock in this place now has an extra hand, and as Us watched, it glowed a white blue, a cyan colour, and moved from 12 to 1. Later, Us discovered thanks to Sckips that his eyes have changed from snakelike pupils, to now clock pupils, an exact mirror of the clock in his dimension. Us also noticed his magic now taking up a similar colour to the third clock hand as well.
Hamwise and Tayln went to their own shops respectively and took care of some business - creating items, tinkering with items, checking finances, talking, and general preparations for the following days, with some discussions with fellow party members who visited as they passed the shops.
Kreilor spent the rest of the first day exploring and searching for the location she knew her older sister worked at; The Historical Histories. Upon finding it, she was met by a Leonin named Zeos who, upon stating who she was, allowed Krelior into the museum. She entered and saw the grandeur that was the Museum and upon being taken to a side room, met her older sister, Tanari. She then spent the night there with Tanari and Zeos, as well as spend the following day with her sister and Sckips who tagged along.
Sckips spent both days between party members, some of it was spent with Us in the pocket dimension, some with Hamwise and bargaining with the shop keeper there, and with Krelior the day after.
Winnie spent his day looking around for the best honey shops in town, taste testing each one and fighting with who’s was better. He also spent some time in the countryside doing the same, as well as talking with wildlife and doing his own general shenanigans.
After a day or two of downtime, the party reconvened at Top Tinctures and Tonics and began their walk to the The Golden Griffins to have a meeting with Svetlana Trigg about the future.