The Home Base
Large town: 3,200 people (68% humans, 12% elven lineage, 10% halflings, 5% gnomes, 5% other races)
Established in 642 PD, Farinnel stands as a beacon of outlander society, providing homes, farms, comfortable inns and education to those seeking new life or in need of a stop along the Silvercut Road that cuts through the Dividing Plains. Farinnel survives from their agricultural trade of corn, grain, and wheat with farmland stretching out from the settlements primary structures to the surrounding forest and lakeside huts and shops along the coast of Foramere Basin. In addition to the grain and corn crop, Farinell is known for its delectable pears, which bloom twice a year. Said to be a gift of friendship from the elves, the pear orchard sits on the Mayoral Estate‘s grounds.
For generations, the settlement has been overseen by the Farinnel family, descended from the settlement’s founder. The Farinnel Family has been responsible for the growth, trade, and expansion of the town for it’s entire existance. This one family’s dominance has never been particularly favored by everyone and political squabbles have always flared. However, the previous mayor, Poltax Farinnel, attempted to grow too quickly and used higher taxes to boost the family coffers, creating the first direct opposition to this governmental structure in the form of the Lawful Taxation League. With a disppaointing new mayor in place last year, political tensions in the village are reaching a boiling point.
The settlement has a small guard presence of about 250 people properly named the Farmer’s Fist, or, colloquially, the Cutter’s. Primarily comprised of locals with a few retiree’s of Kymal‘s Public Defense and Westruun’s Shields of the Plains, the Farmer’s Fist has historically been used as a last line of defense against bandits and raiders. While paid for by city taxes, these security officers are overseen and directed by the mayoral offic, and, in recent years, they were used by Poltax Farinnel to enforce his expansion and growth plans by forcing people to stay in their homes and pay higher tax rates.
The majority of crime in the settlement comes form outside forces; bandit parties, marauding monster groups, or traveling pickpockets. Theft from local businesses is uncommon and even less likely to be reported, while violence among residents is almost always settled with a brawl outside a tavern. Recently, however, a string of drug related incidents have been reported that have the residents growing nervous. From teenaged high spirited runs through the village late night to slurred and angry outbursts, it’s clear that more and more drugs are making their way into the village. The timing of these incidents, and their growing frequency, has some questioning the responsilbe party and the suspiciously absent new mayor from Kymal is often in the center of these ruminations. Regardless, it’s an unspoken feeling that, with the increasing appearance of them, a death from these drugs is inevitable, and no one is quite sure what that will mean for the village at large.