25 January 857
River Adder Battle for Rayne
As we continue, we get this feeling in the air, Barr walks over to Otis touches him on the should and sets the harpoon on his waist and offers words of wisdom, Tim doesn’t want to but accepts this. Barr rolls a 10 on the medicine check, Barr feels the shoulder a little tense. Otis feel likes he’s under some pressure right now. Barr asks if its sinus pressure and Otis laughs. Otis expresses that he is feeling the stress about completing his training and that he needs to report back to his board or risk being pulled out of the program. Kyle gets a call that he has lost power and must return home Barr falls into a standing stasis suddenly. We collectively roll perception, and nobody can really get a sense of what is going on, Zieg knows something magical is going on and it’s in the direction we are going. Loss Mekoin says he also has not experienced anything like this before (Not a stupid question). The water begins to “do weird things”. The water appears to be being manipulated gently. Otis takes the waterskin out of his backpack and pours some water in to the bucket. Initially the water does nothing but after a few minutes it begins to warble at the top like there is some sort of vibration. We try to get a view over the tree line and see nothing. We continue up and see a fork in the river. The right appears to be the correct way, but to the left we see stronger effects of this magic. Otis flies up as we approach the fork and we see in the distance the river leads out to a lake and in the center something appears to be happening as water whirls around the center(Sounds kind of like a whirlpool to me, editor’s note… in hindsight not a whirlpool, but a waternado) and there are some ships that have the capitals seal but the ships do not belong to the capital fleet. Otis says the ships do appear to be in formation around the center. We agree to go left and Daemos yells to rip it left to Mekoin and he pulls the wheel all the way to the left and he over does it almost blocking the riverway, but not so much that it creates a Suez Canal situation. There is a 3-story cylindrical thing in the middle whirling around. We hear shouts of don’t let it escape and other hurried shouts. The water is acting super strange here.
Zieg casts water breathing on the group. We are going to approach and observe. Otis tosses Daemos the harpoon “against his better judgement”. As we approach Daemos casts minor illusion and sends a message in the air asking, “What’s going on, eh?” a message appears back “A beast of the sea, help!” Otis beats the drum of the boat and casts thaumaturgy and yells “Barr the bane of krakens bay has entered the battle”. A waternado as Tim deems it is in the center of the target. Otis shoots an arrow and tries to arch it over the waternado, but fails. Otis with a single caw picks up Daemos and flies him over the waternado to try and get sights inside. The boat pulls up closer to the commander’s ship and they lay out a plank to connect the ships and allow them to board their ship. They explain that this is normally their fishing spot, and something is in the water and disrupting the fishing activities, they fish salmon there, someone notes that isn’t it the off season for salmon, but Ryan said they forgot to move their clocks back, so we are good. Nobody that made it back had a chance to see the creature, which has been present for a week attacking the boats and eating their fish.
As Otis and Daemos come to the top we see a being holding a golden trident praying downwards. Daemos casts minor illusion with a message in the air passing along it has a golden trident. As Mingo and Zieg and the crew see the message the crew reacts sketchy like yes but says help like they are in trouble. Otis lowers Daemos and they hover down to approach in a friendly way. The creature’s eyes lock with ours. We hear a voice in our head that doesn’t match the creature that is in front of us. In front of us is a warrior of the seas, but the voice we hear is a soft male voice. The creature claims to have been here since the dawn of time and wishes us to make the attacker leave. Otis casts zone of truth and all 3 members choose to fail, Otis takes note that Daemos chose to fail the save intentionally. The creature asks if they will make the attackers leave. Otis says that the truth matters the most and if they come to a truthful agreement then as a 3rd party to this situation, we would do our best to convince the attackers to leave. The creature grants us 3 questions, to which Daemos ask 3 each or 3 total, The creature says 3 total you now have 2 remaining…. We ask what these people are after you for, and he points to the golden trident. How long have they been chasing you? About 3 months they have chased me at sea. The creature says I know that was technically 3 questions, but like I’m not going anywhere since I have to keep this shield up. We ask how would you recommend we take out the attack if you hypothetically had 5 additional members to help. He would need us to take out 2-3 boats because he is injured and not able to face them alone. Otis casts cure wounds and he says only two are needed.
Otis and Daemos dive underwater to try and take out ships without being noticed by putting holes in the bottom of the boats. Mingo and Zieg after a few minutes hear another boat yell out to the captain that they are taking on water. Some of the crew heads down to bucket out some water. Mingo tells the captain he should go down and check his own boat. Daemos and Otis continue onto the next boat and poke the plug causing the ship to take on water. Mingo and Zieg here another boat announce they are taking on water. Mingo telepathically communicates to Zieg that they either trap the captain or move on to the next boat. Otis and Daemos move on to the next boat and pop their hole. Mingo and Zieg start stroking that crank to trap the captain at the bottom of the boat. Otis and Daemos pop the next boat. Zieg and Mingo continue to crank up the latch as nobody really notices what’s going on. They hear the captain say hey what the fuck are you doing and Loss Mekoin yelling we are taking on water. (Editor’s note… we definitely sank our own ship intentionally.) The crew begins to question Mingo and Zieg… everyone is confused what is going on including Mingo and Zieg. Otis and Daemos take out one more boat before returning to the Sea creature. We tell the creature the deed is done after taking 4 of the attackers’ boats as well as our own (Again DEFINITELY intentional).
He lowers the water shield and raises his trident to one of the boats still standing and a lightning bolt strikes down and kills everything violently. He points at the next boat and the ship begins to be bloated and seep and raises his trident and flew it back and creates a huge mushroom cloud like explosion. He sets his eyes on the captain and says bring that one to me. He lowers himself down onto the boat and points the trident at the latch of the captain boat. The latch crashes down and the captain is cowering in fear. Mingo begs to make sure the boat stays intact for us, and he nods. The creature sets his trident down. He moves toward the captain and says you will never fuck with nature again because natures about to fuck you. The water creature pours himself into a liquid form and enters the captain’s body and drowns him from the inside. He returns to his original form and tells the rest of the crew to return home. He says they call me Rayne. Many humanoids have come to slay me for my treasure, and you did not even though I was clearly in a very vulnerable state. I commend you and give you treasure from my horde. Mingo asks how he feels about kraken. He said he knew a kraken and many of his people serve the kraken, but he is equal to them so why would he serve them. He creates a circle with his trident into the sea and he pulls out three items the first is what looks like a glowing pearl. Mingo grabs a Crystal Ball of True Seeing (Legendary Item). He also pulls out some magically imbued light armor and Daemos takes that. The next item he pulls out is a blade with an emerald in its hilt. Zieg take the item and its asks Mingo and Zieg which of you will be my master. Mingo takes the Answerer Sword (Legendary Item.) He says remember my name and maybe we will cross paths again and I may give you pieces of my horde again… Although it may take some time cuz those were 3 of my best pieces. And he bids us adieu as he sinks back down into the sea. As he leaves the water begins to dissipate and returns to normal. The rest of our crew joins us on our new boat from our sinking ship. 3 of the old crew join us on our new ship as citizens we recruited, and the 9 other crew members elect to return back to their home.
We continue up the seas and as we pass Oslar we set them up on two row boats and send them back home.