28 January 857
We wake up hell bent on making it to Fang Path.
2,000XP Today 41,357XP Total
End 1/22 Session
Fang Path
1/26 Session Begins
Discord session… Tim is having difficulties
Fang Path
We head up to the beginnings of fang path. It is a mix of abandoned paths and trails. It leads through as crevice and gorge through to main road leading to Rah-gu. Barr and Mingo up front, Daemos second Zieg in the middle Otis is the tail. We start marching along, we find ourselves making it through the forest and we are now entering a clearing to begin marching through the mountain range. We stand before a vast open expanse of mountain. We see nothing a path is very straight. The path is dirt and is eerily clear. There appear to be no signs of wildlife…. Except we see hoofprints that do not looks like horse hooves. The size and depth lead us to believe it comes from something bigger or heavier. It is a set of 4 and multiple sets. They appear to be running in a stampede. There is no clear direction that they are heading in. Mingo is going to spread out wider from the group to the south side(right). Basic knowledge would indicate that for wild life to exist there would be something to sustain them and it would appear these would be migrating, because there appears to be nothing to sustain life in this area. Mingo calls back to watch out for the mountains in case something run s down. Otis will hang by the cliff side.(Retcon all that failed investigating) Thanks to Otis we see 3 distinct sets of tracks of a large male cow sized creature(some may describe this as a bull) looking like they come through every few days and they last came through 2 days ago. Mingo and Barr are going to tie lassos at the end of their ropes. Then then proceed to practice lassoing each other and Mingo is fucking Barr up. Otis appears to be looking around and kicking dirt around. We continue to head in the same direction we were heading. And we come up to a T we see a break in the mountains. We see what appears to be something shiny. The group goes with Otis to check the shiny thing, but Mingo will hang slightly back. We make out what appears to be silver, but as we get closer it appears to be a slightly different metal. It is a metal ball with spikes coming out of it. We see two more similar things that are adult male bull sized. Barr scratches his back up against the spikes. Barr says that it appears to be at a normal body temperature. Barr sets up some lassoes around the creatures front and hind legs. The creature opens up appearing as a metal Bull. It does not appear to have any resistances or immunities. Zieg attempts to speak to it, but it doesn’t respond and just appears to get angry. A green smoke appears to cultivate around its nostril. Otis notices the other two appear to have awakened and are beginning to prepare to charge.
Begin Combat
Turn 1
Mingo Attempts to taunt the creature by shining its sword and doing a gluck gluck. He successfully taunts the middle creature
Otis picks up Daemos and drops him on the creature on the left. Daemos stabs him dealing 3 damage and fails a grapple check to hang on. Otis also cast Slayers prey on the same creature
Barr attempts to jump on the middle creature and successfully yee-haws him.
Home boy is going to take an attack and run under Otis and puff some cloud at him. Otis makes a con saving throw(failing). It spews a toxic gas at him and he feels his body begin to turn to stone.
Zieg is going to attack Creature C with scorching ray. 14 miss, 10 miss, and 11 miss(woof).
Creature B is going to buck off Daemos and attack with his hooves and misses. He looks really pissed and is sad about that.
Creature A is ignoring that Barr is atop him and charges towards Mingo. He runs into Barr’s lasso and is incapacitated
Barr and Zieg make a history check, Zieg feels as though he has heard of these creatures before but is having a hard time putting it together
Turn 2
Mingo will move 20 feet closer to Daemos and use command to tell creature A to approach him. The creature resists the command.
Otis shoots his harpoon at creature B and hits it with a 21 and deals 21 damage. Daemos attacks twice and misses the first attack and crits the second attack dealing 17 damage and grievously wounding it. Otis makes a con saving throw and fails and turns to stone….
Barr is going to attempt to guide creature A into creature C. and he is going to knock creature C prone. Barr is going to hold his action in case of getting bucked off.
Creature C who turned Otis to stone is going to disengage and attempt to run away.
Zieg is going to aim scorching Ray at creature B. 13 misses, 21 hits, and crit. Dealing 11 and 9 damage.
On Creature B’s Turn it moves toward Otis and takes an attack of opportunity from Daemos for 10 damage and he attacks Otis for 6 damage.
Creature A attempts to break Barr’s grapple. He fails, he attempts to break free of the lasso and fails there too and shuffle another 5 ft away
Turn 3
Mingo attempts to cast halt and the creature resists. Then Mingo will move within melee range of creature B.
Daemos attacks twice on creature B and hits with one attack dealing 8 damage after moving into flanking position with Mingo.
Barr fails to bring down creature A but retains some level of control over the beast. Barr holds his bonus action
Creature C books it out of the area and is gone
Zieg still cant think of what these fuckers are and full sends his scorching ray and misses with all his attacks.
Creature B still unable to get away and attacks Otis. And he deals 13 damage.
Creature A will attempt to toss Barr off and he fails and again attempts to break free of the lasso failing again.
Turn 4
We see a man power sliding down the mountain yelling “hold brothers, let me help”
Mingo is going to attack creature B twice. 17 does not hit. 20 does. Mingo will deal 12 damage and add a divine smite for 18 damage.
Daemos hits him with a sword attack for 11 damage and he kills creature B
The Man will yell “their breath is dangerous get off” and vine whips Barr off the creature and the creature runs away. The man asks if anyone is going to help Otis. As we look around clueless he taps Otis on the head and says some shit and Otis begins to crack free of the stone. Mingo out of appreciation gives him one of the blue muffins. Barr walks up to the man upset and the man introduces himself as Kael a wanderer who helps people. We harvest some of the Gorgon scale and Barr keeps it as it is one of the ingredients needed for the Ritual of the One. Barr pops out one of its eyeballs and gives it to Mingo. Kael suggests that when we head down the ravine to cover our scent with something natural. Mingo takes some of the natural oil from the gorgon and smells it and it is familiar, but not sure where. He takes a sample and adds it to his herbalism kit. Kael says okay dad I’m going to go swim in the forest. We ignore Kael’s odd behavior and continue down Fang path.
540xp for the night, total 41,897xp
End 1/26 Session
Many Truths Revealed
1/31 session (Change chasm to chazzi)
Daemos reveals his true identity as Violi Ignis eldest son of the Fire Lord of Rah-Gu and that the reason he has kept his identity a secret is because his father conspired to have him assassinated due to him being inept in the magical arts. Violi and Mingo get drunk, and despite Barr drinking more than anyone else he goes to bed sober as a bird(Robot bird?). We go to sleep and Otis stays up to keep watch and hears a shriek coming from the path from which henceforth we have yet traveled. Otis starts throwing rocks to wake Barr and he misses he tries again and domes Barr hitting him right between the eye. Barr wakes and Otis shushes him as they try to listen to the shriek. Otis throws a rock to wake Zieg and Barr shakes Mingo and Violi and they wake drunkedly. Otis tells Violi and Mingo to go back to sleep as waking up a bunch of drunk people when trying to be quiet is probably not the best idea and they go back to sleep. Otis and Barr go to investigate the shriek and leaves Zieg to babysit the drunks. Barr sees a fiendish looking humanoid in shape and a group of beast looking humanoid creatures huddled around a fire. He sees a total of 6 figures huddled around the fire. 1 creature doesn’t look human with a staff and 6 creatures 6-8 ft tall. Barr mutters to himself oh shit after rolling a nat 1 stealth check and books it out of there clanking his armor as he runs alerting the group to his presence. Otis flies back down the cliffside. They hear another shriek and Otis sees from the sky a giant shadowy “thing” whoosk down from the top of the mountains towards Barr. Otis is cawing his ass off. Barr starts also cawing his ass off. Zieg “arouses” Mingo and Violi and they start heading down the path. The giant wing specter comes flying towards Otis and Barr. The black hooded figure from the camp snaps his fingers and appears riding on the Black winged specter beast.
Begin Combat
Turn 1
Otis determines that the creature is resistant to necrotic and non-magical melee and immune to poison. He casts hunters mark on the winged creature and then moves back.
Barr runs right up on him and attacks twice and misses both times. And swings his claws and misses yet again.
Big scythe dude attacks Barr with his scythe and misses. Barr parries and missing for a 4th time. He attacks Barr again missing.
Something indeterminate happens
Mingo comes running down the crevice seeing Barr swing at a large shadowy creature. He moves up 30 ft and dashes another 30 ft.
Zieg moves up 35 ft and casts scorching ray at level 4, 13 miss, nat 20, 26 hits, 18 hits. He deals 29 fire damage
Violi dashes up 60 ft
Something indeterminate happens in the distance. Then we see a flash and smell fur burning.
Turn 2
Otis shoots his harpoon and misses reels it in and then shoots again hitting for 25 damage. Slayers pray deals another 5 damage. The harpoon goes through the specter’s big toe and gets stuck in the creature
Barr attacks twice missing the first time and FINALLY hits on his sixth attempt. Barr adds a storm strike and deals a total of 19 damage and the creature has disadvantage on attacks until Barr’s next turn. Barr also action surges and attacks two more time hitting once and missing once dealing more damage that I cant remember and attacks one last time with his claw and misses again.
The creature shrieks and stuns Barr, Mingo and Violi and dealing 16 damage to each. After an epic best 2 out of 3 game of rock paper scissor the specter sacrifices his toe as he jumps off his mount and attempts to run away
Something happens again and we smell burning flesh in the background.
Mingo is Stunned and fails his save. He tries to telepathically communicate with Barr, but Barr just hears static and sharts himself and his butt plug will now require cleaning
Zieg cast ice knife and misses.
Violi misses
Light scream wind smell and stank happens again in the background
Otis reels in the harpoon and shoots it and misses. Otis shoots his bow and hits it for 5 damage.
Barr is stunned
Home boy behind makes it around the corner. The mount flies up into the air and nobody is there… he does something and he teleports to the mount and begins to fly away. He is going to fly 40 ft into the air, but we can still see him. Everyone pay attention because we are about to hit a critical plot point for the first time in forever. We see seconds later a bright light like fire emanate from around the corner and it glows until we can see the light fanning across the tops of the mountains around the mountain pass. That light visibly retracts as darkness take sit place and it sinks back towards its source as cool things happen that we cant see.
In the stunned players heads we see images.
Mingo sees morbidly fucked up images and starts vomiting.
Barr sees flashes of a dark tall imposing humanoid with the face of a skeleton floating around a castle or keep and it flashes around images of an army of the undead with him commanding it.
Violi sees a flashback and is in a city that is unknown to him and he is standing there and it is day and it is normal and people are enjoying their lives and he watches as from a tower a female mage presents herself. As people begin to clap and cheer he hears a roar in the distance as a large ancients white dragon perches on an ornate gate that has never been damaged and hears people chanting cka cka cka(kind of like Niska). The large white dragon roars and that ripples Violi and he stands in front of a dilapidated city as a body lay on an altar as a red and white dragon fight above. Violi is pulled under water. He swims up and gasps for air as a wounded white dragon falls into the water and incases itself in ice. Violi gets pulled down and sits as the dragon lies dormant. Violi flashes forward behind Barr as Barr watches his visions. As we come back too Violi sees one more image he is standing on an icy peninsula in an area that is not familiar to him and across the way he sees at the shore of an iced over lake. He sees the skulled robe river standing over the lake and the skeletons begin to march. As the skeletons Stand over the lake he raises his fist and clenches his fist the skeletons begin to burn and the lake begins to melt. Then large skeletons begin to walk carrying large metal chains into the sea. Time moves ahead as the skeletons come out of the sea and they are dragging a large white dragon out of the sea. He places his hand on the white dragon’s head and his eyes open glowing a bright purple.
The rest of the light recedes and there is nothing. And we see the creature fly away. Ahhhh(Holy sound) we shake the stun. Otis launches one last desperate strike with his harpoon and he hits the creature and we hear 1000 shrieks and the mount comes crashing down. Barr goes to inspect the scythe and it appears to be normal wood with rune engravings. Barr breaks the scythe blade of the wooden pole and stores it.
Barr rounds the corner and he sees standing there a billowing shadowy smoke coming from the middle of the open. Beneath them is crisscrossed logs. Otis shoots his harpoon at the black shadowy creature and hits it in the chest. The shadowy being holds a metal staff with 3 prongs with a floating blue orb. Barr charges the shadow being after tossing Violi the moon touched longsword. The creature telepathically says he could kill us in an instant in a mundane voice. He then teleports into the air. When he gets to the top do not pursue or it will be a failed endeavor. Otis and Barr ask don’t follow who. He says the inevitable. He drops 3 orbs one at Barr one at the rest of the group and another at the mountain pass behind us. Everyone takes 56 force damage. Otis is downed, and the mountain pass crumbles and becomes impassable to go backwards. Everyone feels as though they have no magic and their magic weapons appear normal. The creature says try again and you will not survive. The creature slowly moves away from the direction form whence we came.
We all go to help Otis up. While we revive Otis we hear a roar from up above. Barr can tell that it is coming from the highest peak. Otis can see as the figure turns toward the roar and pauses and begins to rise in the direction of the roar.
Mingo and Barr take a swig of alcohol, Barr gets tipsy and Mingo blacks out. Otis also takes a swig and ends up chugging the drink and sees us staring at him wondering if he’s going to die. Barr moves to catch Otis head and take the bottle away. Otis dramatically falls like its his first time drinking. Barr takes another swig and is officially drunk. Chaos ensues as Barr and Violi begin to question Otis why he definitely seems to be acting weird as if he’s hiding something. Barr and Violi begin chanting “Zone of Truth” to try and convince Otis to have an honest conversation.
Otis eventually cracks and reveals his true identity as OTIS #45 Operation Track Information Stealthily… Otis is a a spy robot. Take credit for a long rest
Milestone Level to level 9
End 1/31 session