3 Flamerule 13928
Day 35
We arrive at Keyder Bramble notes that there is a building that was recently attacked that is undergoing repairs. 3 clerics walk up to us. Bramble says that we’re the Partners of Revelry to see the Geminate Sylvester. Jacques and one of the Geminates goes inside, not before Kito uses There’s a priest sitting down with a pot of floral smelling tea. The priest shakes his head and is instructed to go sit at the head of the table with the Geminate Sylvester. Jacques sees two priests
Two junior priests were turned to undead and attacked the library.
Bramble goes next passes the test, and apologizes to the Geminate Sylvester for saying he was void compromised.
Ylossia identifies the tea as one of the drugs that James Knox. Rikavon also passes and sits down at the head of the head.
Kito walks in, the priest drinking the tea stands up “He has mark of the adversary.”
Roll initiative.
The Battle beings, one of the priests tries to grapple Kito, and misses, Mistan casts Spirit Guardians (Kito fails a counterspell) Kito casts invisibility and runs back towards the ship. Jacques casts Zone of Truth on the party + Geminate Sylvester. Sylvester casts divination and speaks with the Twins “Is the affliction something that we can change within a reasonable time frame?” and then says that they have to stop Kito from leaving, then runs outside.Rikavon Horvaltyne tires to persuade Kito to calm down (Persuasion Nat 1), Kito begins hysterically crying
Zima and Mistan run up to where Kito is wailing from. Others run out and “surround” Kito. Kito drops the invisibility and starts yelling/persuading/intimidating everyone (nat 20). Geminate Sylvester casts hold person on Kito. Kito hears “Nonononononononon, this is dangerous, you need to get out of here.” Sylvester drops hold person, Bramble jumps over everyone and gives Kito a hug. We all return inside and Ylossia Yuan-Leo Starfeller Shows Sylvester the prototype Void Crown. We discuss the The Carnelian Bridle. We fill them in on most of the details about our quest (minus Rikavon’s connection to the Witch of the Wanderer. We mention the golemancy invitation.
Geminate Sylvester thinks we can use the circlet to break the connection between Kito and The Albatross. Sylverster suggests that we prepare for a ritual tomorrow, and possibly a battle with an avatar of the being.
Jacques, Rikavon, Ylossia go to the library to search for the bridle and the The Eskaton Engine. Rikavon also search for references for The Albatross, finding a reference in Arka’s Guide to Ancient Statuary. A celestial that had some role of importance and power, then lost that power, and began seeking it. Most references were defaced/destroyed. Rikavon also searches for references of The Buzzard.
Meanwhile onboard Marlin: Brambs and Kito are there, Kito walks out, casts Fireball. Bramble teaches Kito how to play the lute. There’s a wild magic surge and Kito can suddenly hear thoughts. Most folks are of the mind that they don’t want to kill Kito.
We eat some salty rations.
While Kito trance’s: The wings of an angel shield him from the light of the suns and pressures him to go through the shard. Kito avoids a compulsion to jump through the shard the next morning. We meet up with everyone from the chapter house, lead by the two Gemenates, and walk for a while towards a desolate spot. The clerics arrange themself along a raised cliff. The Gemenates inscribe two magic circles 15 feet apart, feels like divine abjuration magic. Kito is placed in one, the circlet in the other. Geminate Sylvester explains that the ritual will draw out a representation of the celestial that Kito is connected to. The Gemenates will help with the fight
Status effects:
Kito: Protection from good/evil (Celestial) + warding bond (Ylossia) (Resistant to all damage, immunity to charm, possession, frightened, +1AC including force Ylossia takes the damge, and can’t be more than 60 feet)
Death ward (Jacques)