12 Flamerule 13928
We wake up! We’re escorted down the expanded drain into the crater.
The Circle (in order): Rikavon Horvaltyne, Mote, Kito, Marcel, Jacques, Twillinger Voyna, Ylossia, Amanita.
Bramble and Iltani stand guard during.
The ritual begins. Marcel gets to ask the first question, but before that, a ghost appears and attempts to attack her (failing). Her question: “In your time, was the voidsong, or a similar effect present in the Sheffa expanse. Was there any hazard to traveling”
Answer: “We are not aware of any such effect.”
Ylossia (spawning another ghost): “Tell me about your life before Pascal Goldenbrew.”
A: ‘He was my creator, he created me based upon plans from his family’s archives.”
Jacques: “What was Pascal trying to do when the magical contamination occurred in the crater.”
A: “He was trying to open a portal to a home that he never knew on a different plane of existence.”
Mote: “How does an amethyst golem become stabilized?”
A: “<Insert long alchemist answer here that Rikavon overhears.”
Amanita: “There is a legend that there is a blade on Devorats that can cut through spacetime.”
A: “I’m familiar with this legend, the creator abandoned this spell due to not being able to find the weapon.” She then takes off running towards her ship. Twillinger Voyna casts hold person on her, and Aminita says that she came to learn this information and to report back to her “colleges.”
Rikavon goes to ask her question, nearly casting fireball on herself (Counterspelled by Kito).
Q: “Do you know why the spell was unsuccessful?”
A: “Creator belied that associates on the other side would be casing the same spell on the other side. They were not. The gate seems to not have opened correctly, and a giant wave of magical energy was released.”
Q: What did Pascal say about the home he never knew?
A: “A land of plenty. He never knew it himself, but he believed that life there would be better than what he was raised with here.”
Kito chucks a psychic lance at
Q: “Are you familiar with the prophecy from the Devorats Seers.
A: “There was no prophecy there and we visited there.”
Fires off an Eldritch blast at Amanita
Q: “What do you know of the Goldenbrew’s, or any ancestor’s of Pascals’ journey to here.”
“They built a vessel to travel here knowing that the ship would most likely not make the trip back. The ship disintegrated at Gyridus KY“
Q: “Why did Pascal leave?”
A: “Because no one recognized the majesty of the gods of this place and missed the opportunity to commune and worship with them.” (They were not able to worship the twins because they weren’t in The Sheffa Expanse“
Q: Technical question about casting/storing spells in a golem,
A: “<Insert long alchemist answer here that Rikavon overhears.”
Iltani, Ylossia and Bramble all attack Sister Amanita, attempting to knock her out. As Bramble stabs into her, he notices that she’s become a void warlock. Bramble expertly dodges out of the way of the event horizon of the void inside her body, converting her soul into a soul trinket. A cluster of five foot high indigo mushrooms sprout from her spot on the circle.
Q: “Automaton, what know ye of The Wanderer“
A: “The Wanderer in the homeland was a legendary creature of significant relevant power. I know not if it was real or a story. The is a story of the homeland and not of The Sheffa Expanse.”
Rikavon casts Eldridge blast
Q: What do you know of the Albatross
A: “I am familiar with the bird, but not any specific being called “The Albatross.” ((This aligns with visions that Kito has had about the Albatross waking up.”
Kito blasts a fireball at the mushroom, destroying it.
Q: “Why did the Goldenbrew family leave The Sheffa Expanse?”
A: “The family left the expanse upon the creation of the new home world. They left here upon hearing about the abundance and peace
The ritual continues
Ylossia gets hit with force damage, then asks:
Q: “Which gods were worshiped before New Sheffawas created?”
A: Hakom and lavona were worshiped prior to the creation of New Sheffa. Martuswas not known then
`ible power” to bring themselves to a place of safety.”
Kito starlight steps to Aminta’s open position. Apologizing to Marcel Goldenbrew for leaving her to deal with this new enemy.
Marcel Goldenbrew attacks with sacred flame and summons a spiritual weapon. She goes to cast a spell but is counter spelled by Kito, who barely contains his own wild magic.
Q: “What did your creator know to cause the gods of Bluestone, Chalcedon Empire and Sheffa to unite.”
A: “The Creator had no knowledge of such a prophecy.”
Ylossia Yuan-Leo Starfeller lets lose with an Eldridge blast of her own, hitting the void ribbon.
Q: “ What do you know about the planet Sheffa being broken into it’s current form.”
A: “ Sheffa was once indeed a planet, of rock A cataclysm was coming, and the New Sheffans survived it by creating New Sheffa.”
Ylossia casts hex on
Jacques Goldenbrew casts sacred flame on the elemental, and spiritual weapon on the ribbon. Both are missing, and he gets flung 100 feet in the air.
Mote falls unconscious, losing concentration.
Iltani takes aim at the void aurora, hitting it once with an arrow. Bramble swings Lightbringer into the elemental, causing massive damage, then following up with a bonus attack. The elemental summons a whirlwind, striking both Bramble and Bernice (the latter of whom disappears). The aura lets out a void song, and doles out void effects to most of us.
Twillinger Voyna dispels the magic maze that Mote was captured in and heals him.
Another elemental appears in front of Rikavon
Q: “How was the power used to create New Sheffa found?”
A: “It is my understand from the creator that a powerful energy source exists that continues to power New Sheffa, in a tower on a remote island (in New Sheffa)” Rikavon is reminded of a dream that they had. Letting lose a blacked bolt, the aura turns in on itself and disappears. Another bolt launches from their hand to hit the weaker of the two dust devils.
Kito- Space warps around him.
Q: “What would happen if someone went through the Portal Shard“
A: They will be safely transported to a fixed location and they would be welcomed as brethren.
Kito lets out a chaos bolt on the new elemental, hitting it with psychic damage. As the bolt hits, Kito goes to shout, but instead of sound, pink bubbles come out of his mouth.
Marcel Goldenbrew uses her spiritual weapon to kill the damaged elemental, missing the other with scared flame. As the first elemental dies another void aura appears.
Q: How do you stabilize the Shard Gate?“
A: Placing it within a larger lead frame and breaking the smaller one would allow it to stabilize.”
Ylossia takes aim and blasts the aura. and hits with another blast. Jacques summons a celestial, which catches him and brings him safely to the ground. His spiritual weapon attacks at the new aura. Mote attempts to rejoin the ritual but fails. Iltani takes aim at the elemental and hits it with some arrows. The aura in the sky attacks again with the void song, spreading void effects all around.
Bramble moves and attacks the elemental twice, destroying it on the second hit, exploding in a burst of sand. Martus is pleased. Twillinger Voyna launches a flame strike on the aura.
Rikavon goes to answer a question, but gets pulled into the air 100 feet, ,losing concentration. Kito casts a fireball on the aura, while Marcel moves to heal Kito with an Aura of Vitality. Ylossia to chip away at at the aura with her Eldridge blast. Jacques Goldenbrew casts magic missile, dispelling the aura. Jacque’s celestial flies up to catch Rikavon.
Twillinger Voyna says that she is going to take Cecil and company to the divining pool on Devorats. They want to understand where the prophecy came from and to develop a counter narrative. Marcel Goldenbrew will be working to calm the populous of Gyridus KY, and asks us where we’re going?
- Twillinger Voyna asks the party about New Sheffa and the Portal Shard.
- Bramble Bristleback responds with the truth.
- On an insight check, Voyna clearly wants to know more about the Shard as a tool to be used. Marcel Goldenbrew knows she has to talk about the Shard.
- Voyna is feeling betrayed that she hasn’t been included (surface thoughts)
- The party is being a little “cagey” about the Shard. Jacques Goldenbrew advocates for her. We show her the Shard.
- Voyna asks if we can communicate with them. And follows up with asking why we wouldn’t try to work with the New Sheffans in the coming war.
- Marcel has prayed upon it, there is bad stuff on the other side of the Shard that could harm Sheffa. The party tries to convince her to let us SkyWrite through the Portal. We roll really well.
- The party gets 1d4+1 (3) Greater Restorations, and uses two on Bramble Bristleback and one on Rikavon Horvaltyne.
- The party has decided to split. Bramble Bristleback and Ylossia Yuan-Leo Starfeller go to the ship to talk with the New Sheffans.
Bramble and Ylossia
- As they walk back, there’s tension in the air. Some people think Cecil was right.
- Bramble performs to get everyone’s attention at the Hopvine Inn.
- Talked to Lyla and prevented a mob from attacking her.
- Now on Marlxn, something is tearing at Marlxn’s back. It’s a void infested space elemental.
- Bramble stabby stab’s the elemental and collects a soul trinket.
- Upon getting to the Occulus, it is badly damaged and Jaden & Quinn have taken two levels of void effects.
- The ship requires 5 ability checks, they got it flyable
- Bridge builder is on Dowell, an abandoned forge planet
Rest of the party
- We have decided on the message “What cooperation do you seek? Why should we trust you?”
- Go to the center of the crater, Rikavon casts Skywrite and writes the message, Rikavon is now Voidwhispered
We are peaceful seekers of knowledge. We understand that this portal connects to a place called the Sheffa Expanse, from which our people originate. We seek to reestablish communication with the Sheffa Expanse, and assist them in their flourishing to the fullest of our capabilities.
- We send another message, “What knowledge you seek? Why can’t you pass through?”, Rikavon gets one more level of void effects. Jacques cures them.
“We seek to understand what has transpired in the Sheffa Expanse in our absence and to mutually share knowledge of arcane power. We cannot pass through the portal due to a defect at the time of its creation. We are attempting to find a means of traversing the portal. Would you be able to assist us”
- We hear a commotion outside, Marcel and the party go to investigate
Now Unified ish
- Occulus descends onto the planet. Bramble is making music, Rikavon Skywrites “Welcome back Partners of Revelery, fellow Sheffans, you are safe”
The Oculus comes to a rest in the crater, having drawn the attention of the entire city as it maneuvered in. The party, at least those who remained on Gyidus KY, make their way to where the ship comes to rest, along with Marcel Goldenbrew and Twillinger Voyna. Marcel pulls the party aside, to discuss where we place the portal. Rikavon talks Marcel into letting us open the portal on The Oculus, Marcel agrees to have someone see if we can retrofit one of the bays to open a portal big enough to bring through Marlxn. Jacques misty steps in front of Kito, causing a minor identity crisis. Bramble and Rikavon teach folks how to pilot the ship. Ylossia spars with her new familiar. We return to Marlxn and fall asleep
Ylossia has a dream and Kai appears, voidstriken, asking “Can you help us?” Ylossia asks for assurances. Kai promises that their associates will do what they can to keep things from coming through the portal. Kai asks that we not open the portal in some inopportune location, like in a volcano, or at the bottom of the ocean. Ylossia mentions that we want to stop [The Wanderer](lore/123938, and the voidsong. (Insight 15, opposed)Kai is curious about this, and is excited to learn more about this. They ask “Are you planning to travel here to tell us more about this?” Ylossia mentions that we’re on a quest and Kai becomes even more excited, asking when we’ll arrive. We have a short discussion about time mechanics (good news: time passes similarly for us all)