13 Flamerule 13928
Day 46
We wake up! Gerem and Patritzia head back to The Pale Citadel, leaving all the skeletons with Rikavon. The party discusses who we might want to bring along for the rid. Marcel Goldenbrew lets us know that the ship will be ready tomorrow night. Rikavon and Ylossia go to talk with Knox-me-down Jimmy and find him in the Abby’s brewery. Ylossia mentions that we’re “headed out”, and when he asks where we’re going, Ylossia says “you can think of it as a new sheffa.” The conversation continues and Ylossia convinces Jimmy to join us.
Bramble Bristleback and Kito Tanith help train folks on how to operate The Oculus.
Rikavon goes to speak with Gerem alone, speaking of a new “business opportunity.” Rikavon mentions New Sheffa, and that we may be going soon. The conversation discusses the possible business expansion and Gerem is “delighted” for the opportunity to show Rikavon the art of the sale (paraphrased.) Rikavon is “excited” for this… not. Rikavon does mention that their mom may be there. They shake hands.
Marcel summons Jacques to her second-floor office in the brewing hall. Marcel asks that Jacques remembers Gyridus KY, recalling their last conversation. Marcel also mentions that Rikavon is too eager to go through the shard gate and that her magic is not the magic of The Pale Citadel. Jacques promises that he will do “whatever it takes to protect the expanse,” (leaving unsaid that that this may also include establishing a religions theocracy with him at the head.) Marcel
Kito, after helping train folks on The Oculus walks the Abby trying to find the components for greater restoration. He runs into Edward. Kito tries explains that he’s worried that his friends might die, but offers little in the way of details. Edward is not convinced, but does give hima potion of lesser restoration.
Bramble, having headed back to Marlxn runs into Lyla and they [ADD MORE HERE]
Before heading back to Marlxn, Kito wanders into a field, the same field as Bramble and Lyla, but far from them. Once out of sight, Kito lets lose a fireball, expelling the wild magic that accumulated from his talk with Edward
Kai meets Ylossia in her dreams again. Again asking when we will be sending something. Kai says that they have been trying to open the portal on their side, and that their void damage is a result of those efforts. Kai mentions that the portal opens onto Bottlenose Bay on their side. Ylossia tells Kai