11 Flamerule 13928
Thrinity Procession
Led by Sylvester and Twillinger Voyna. Everyone goes to the morning solemn services at the Abbey. Jacques and Ylossia participate in the ceremony, both perform well. Rikavon also performs well.
Meeting at Hopvine Inn
Bramble, Jacques, Ylossia and RIkavon walk into a bar…. Kito follows invisibly. The Hopvine Innwhich is noticeably emptier than the previous night. Lyla is playing. Lyla sends a message to Bramble, letting him know that the Abby has paid off everyone in the Inn, so they will hear about our conversation. Jacques casts Enhance Ability (charisma), Rikavon casts guidance. The Twillinger Voyna asks about the plan.
Bramble begins to tell our story from the beginning, trying to thread the needle between The Reformed School, the ears of The New School as well as the other assembled factions (New Sheffans, Zelner Company) Bramble mentions that Kito got cursed in the lab, but doesn’t mention the Void Crown. Bramble weaves in the events of the past few [years], tying some events together, while omitting others (such as the recent visit to Atar, The Carnelian Bridle. We propose that we all align against the witch, using the New Sheffans speed to catch up to the Witch. We also point out that alienating them could cause them to align with her.
The party leaves, Ylossia goes and orders 3 drinks from the Bar. Bramble goes to the bathroom and dry heaves. Lyla messages him saying “Good job”.
Kito follows the Twillinger Voyna to Cooper’s Rest*, across the square. The Brivca and Goen Dragon guard, as well as some merchants have gathered to hear Voyna’s report of the conversation. The Reformed School has been planning some kind of military pitch with these groups for some time. She proposes to them that we accept their offer of collaborating with “these godless strangers they brought.” She wonders if Jacques a face for their efforts to be seen as less sectarian. A concensus is reached that this afternoon the group is going to push hard for a unified military effort to take on the witch with the help of the New Sheffans, centering Jacques and his involvement. Kito runs back to the inn, running to the backside, messaging the info to Bramble and waiting for them to return so he can read their thoughts.
Kito starts reading the room, Voyna is thinking about the next steps. Yvette Nighwalker is a bit more skeptical, trying to get a beat on The New Sheffans. Captain of the Brivca Dragon Riders (Mildred), kind of resigned to what’s going on. Quinn is thinking that this is good and Jaden is feeling over their head. The Twillinger Voyna extends a hand to Jacques, asking him to join her and the others on stage. Jacques Goldenbrew hesitates, considering his options. “I believe in your cause, and I support our cause against the witch… but I cannot betray my family on this most holy day” (or there about.) Ylossia agrees to be on stage.Twillinger Voyna Is pissed at Jacques. Bramble offers to stand in Jacques’ place. Voyna will still mention Jacques from the dais. Kito walks into the bar as the Twillinger Voyna and party leave.
The speeches are about to begin. Ylossia, Bramble are standing on the dais with the two schools. Rikavon watches from a ghastly steed, skeletons in honor guard position with Jaden and Quinn. Jacques runs up the hill and catches Marcel as she comes down the hill towards the square, telling her everything that has transpired. Jacques is front and center with the groundlings. Ylossia cast’s create food/water and distribute this among the crowd, and they’re grateful. Ylossia andBramble notice that Marcel see’s the New Sheffans and the wheels start turning.
The Twillinger Voyna goes first, calling for unity under a strong military, and calls out that Jacques is supporting her. The Gemenate Marcel goes, calling out that The Reformed School of Teoma.
Someone appears, wearing green caring a staff with a golden eye. Cecil appears, and preaches of a third way, and that there is a high cost to what both schools offer. He calls to the Twins, calling them to provide a sign if they are aware of the threat of The New Sheffans. The suns momentarily change color to green and gold. The crowd falls to their knees, Kito included. Cecil calls out that the The New Sheffans, who being to glow gold. He also calls out Kito, who being glowing gold, for conspiring with the void.
*There’s not a lot of red/gold in this swanky joint, indicating that this might be a haven for those who don’t see themself under the thumb of The Goldenbrews
Another battle begins…
Cecil goes first, casting a spell and interrogating Jacques about which side he’s on [OOC: Cecil casts detect thoughts). The suns flare, Jacques, Jaden and Quinn Marcel, and Iltani (the Zelner Company Merc with a bow. Jaden and Quinn dimension door to the spaceport.Cecil’s cronies attempt to hit Jacques and restrain him, but they miss. Jacques, while deflecting, hears the call of his ancestors to let them help instill order and take power, but resists. Rikavon casts slow, hitting Cecil and one of his minions. Eleanor implores to Jacques, asking us all to stand down. “We’ve seen a miracle with our own eyes today. There are invaders among us. You and your friends need to quietly surrender…. The best thing you can do is sit down and work with us,” casting Beacon of Hope on the priests on the dais.
The mob in front of the stage begins storming back in the crowd towards the void cultists, breaking out into a brawl. Cyrus Silvergass, the trader on the balcony with Kito talk, and Kito persuades him not to attack anyone for the moment. Marcel talks with Jacques and echos Eleanor’s plea for us to work with Cecil. She announces that the New school will work with the Reformed school, and asks the mob to stop attacking. The Reformed school+ sees Cecil as a foreign prophet. Kito casts detect thoughts and tries to read Cecil, but can’t and messages that to Jacques. Bramble scrambles up a building and ends up next to Kito, hearing the news as well.
Twillinger Voyna loudly claims her disappointment with Marcel and commands on Cecil to kneel, and he does! (Failed Wis save with advantage.) “We do not kneel to foreign gods. We worship the twins” and heels someone who had been trampled in the crowd. A mob barrels through the crowd, knocking down Theo and trampling him as they move towards the building that Kito is standing on. Yvette Nightwalker draws her long sword, while also casting spiritual weapon, flanking Cecil, saying that his next words had better be in praise of the Sisters, or they will be his last…
After the Battle
Everyone is trying to head towards the temple, Edward Goldenbrew and XX are trying to organize prayer services for the masses. The void cultists disappear into the crowed. We also notice that the voidsong has gotten louder over the last couple hours. Some of us hope that Jaden and Quinn are ok… We’re being marched up the crater wall with Marcel Goldenbrew and the junior priests that arrived late in the kerfuffle. She asks us about how we came to know the New Sheffans. Bramble Bristleback recounts how we met Avery, Jaden and Quinn. The conversation turns for a minute to the New Sheffans and their planet/plane of existence and Bramble mentions that this might be the place that the Goldenbrews came from. The Geminate Marcel seems caught off guard by this and asks Jacques if he has any evidence to support this. We hint at the existence of the Portal Shard.
The Geminate Marcel takes us into the sanctum of the temple (has the effect “Temple of the Gods”). She, the three junior priests and the party all enter the sanctum. Rikavon Horvaltyne tells the skeletons to wait outside (in the Kitchen.) The sanctum is chair-less, with an incense burner of hops/barley burning in a corner. She asks us to disarm and we do. She also puts down her brewer’s rake. She asks again about the Portal Shard and we show it to her. She asks about it’s purpose and Rikavon relates their vision of the The Buzzard and The Albatross competing (conveniently leaving out the Buzzard.). We also relate our battle with the Witch of the Wanderer. The Geminate Marcel advocates to have us leave the Portal Shard at the Abby.
She also says that she needs “powerful magic users” to assist with the Jacques, Ylossia and Kito agree to help out. We all fall asleep. Ylossia affixes the Portal Shard to Spork Knife’s skull and says a blessing to protect the shard. Bramble plays some tunes to pass the time before bed. Kito practices his control over magic, without any real change.
Ylossia’s dream
Back in the treetops of Crotalus, hunting a tree fowl. There’s an “unfathomably large serpent” slithering silently below. On the branch with Ylossia’s is Kai, with an indigo glow around their eyes. Kai asks again Ylossia’s to assist with creating a portal using the Portal Shard. Ylossia attempts to heal the void effect from Kai, but they don’t seem to notice. Kai says that building the portal will allow for two way communication/transportation and that we would work together against “shared dangers to our mutual worlds.” (Insight (12): Kai want’s to be perceived as earnest). They promise that no harm will come to The Sheffa Expanse. The conversation continues, Kai says that there’s a shared threat that is killing people on New Sheffa.Ylossia’s says that she she has to consult with “my council of advisors.” Ylossia’s almost makes eye contact with the serpent below before waking up