20 February 857
The 3 Head Guard Dogs
The group wakes up in Inn. The group goes downstairs and Tossy gets a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Barr calls up Red Rocket and asks where Violi is, but he says he doesn’t know. The group approaches the mayoral estate and is greeted by the 3 guards. They are not nice and say you don’t have an appointment with the mayor. Tossy tosses a fireball hitting all 3 as well as Barr and Mingo
Turn 1
Barr stabs the guard in the middle with his trident smashing his should and pulling it out critically striking him. Barr then fire strikes the one on the right hitting him. He follows up striking at the guard on the left and misses. He swings at another one and misses with a 19.
Armor Knight B
He is going to pat the hounds head on his chest plate and hear a roar as a flame comes outs and he pulls the flame out of his mouth throwing an explosive ball hitting all four members. Barr and Tossy take the full hit with Mingo and Zieg bracing for half
Mingo tries to command guards A and B to flee. A passed and stands still and B would fail.
Throws a chaos bolt at one of the guards and misses them.
Casts scorching Ray on guard C and misses with all 3
Guard A
Casts destructive wave on Tossy and Barr. Tossy braces taking half damage and Barr takes the full brunt of the attack falling on the ground
Guard C
Attacks Barr 3 times while he lays on the ground. Hitting with 2 of the 3 attacks. Barr gets fucked up pretty good.
Turn 2
Barr attacks a bunch of times. Also adds a searing ignition to all of them as well.
Guard B
opens the gate and runs 30ft away
Attack guard A with his sword. 22 hits, but gets parried. The second attack hits and he adds a bit of divinity via a smite
Casts Chain Lightning hitting all 3, they all resisted dealing half damage to all.
Casts sunbeam hitting both Guards A and C
Guard A
Says “a neccesary evil” taps the hound on his chest creating a fireball that he tosses hitting himself, Mingo, Barr, and Tossy. Tossy and the Guard brace themselves, but Barr and Mingo take it right their buttholes. Barr is downed by the fire.
Guard C
Swings around to the wabbit giving him flanking rolls through his blindness. He hits Mingo 2/3 times downing Mingo and giving him another smack.
Turn 2
Successfully death saves
Guard B
Uses destructive wave again on Tossy. Tossy braces taking half damage.
Failed a death save
Casts another chain lightning. Hitting all 3 guards.
Casts Mass Cure wounds and heals Barr, Ming and Tossy for 35 health.
Guard A
Says one last chest for the death mother and taps the hound creating another fireball throwing it at Tossy and Barr. Tossy gets fucked and Barr braces taking less damage.
Guard C
Swings at Barr misses the first attack, and the second attack, then hits the 3rd strike downing him.
Turn 4
Saves the first death Throw.
Guard B
Sees that Zieg is quite healthy and thinks that’s gay. Zieg fails a charisma save and then disappears.
Stands up and used a bonus action to jump behind Barr touches his butt plug and gives him 35 health and Barr moans “aww yeah”
Dealt 20 damage to the guy on the right, breaking his concentraition snapping Zieg back into existence
Casts sunbeam dealing some damage and blinding one and killing another.
Guard A
Swings at Barr hitting him once
Turn 5
Attacked a bunch of the dudes and hit them.
Guard B
Casts Destructive Wave, on Barr, Mingo and Zieg. Downing Barr……… again
Heals himself
Throws a fireball and drops the last two Guards.
As the die the gates burst open and they say something ominous booming through the gate.
XP gain of 11,400 total
End 12/3 Session
Holder of the Crown
12/18 Session
The group hears who dares enter my domain and some organs playing in the background. As the group looks up they see a silhouette of a female rolling through the fog. The voices bellows out again cowering in fear already? Face me… bitches. Mingo caws once and everyone remains hidden. Mingo sees a tall form of a women continue to come closer and they have golden armor on, between Mingo and Zieg they recognize the armor as celestial. They also determine the black fog is rolling off of her crown. They believe this to be the ashen crown. As the woman crosses the threshold she raises a giant golden scythe and say speak now of forever behold judgment. Barr runs up to her and attempts to steal the crown. In the most immaculate form Barr dives at this angel holding a scythe and he watches as its eyes glow white. Barr slams into her and is charmed by the being.
Turn 1
Scythe Woman
Goes up to Zieg and slashes him once. She turns to Barr realizing Zieg has a lot of health and pulls out his remaining health downing him.
Attempts to cast mental prison and failed and then flew away
Summons a fire hawk and attack the angelic hoe deals a bit of damage.
Slide cancels over to Barr and heals him a bit bringing him back. Gives him another a higher AC, his eyes turn black and tells the being “he’s coming for you”
He swings some strikes at the Angelic Hoe. Hits her then runs up and hucks his trident at her head and misses. Barr then puts a call out to Red Rocket to let her know theyre getting fucked.
Turn 2
Scythe Woman
Fucks up Zieg again with the scythe. She then flies 30 feet away and then 60 feet in the air.
Launches a fireball at the angel and then flies 40 feet higher
Launches a scorching ray at the Angel Hoe hitting with 3 strikes and then the fire hawk flies under her and attacks her dealing some more damage
Casts hex and moves
Shoots her with a longbow, and hits her a few times. Pages Red Rokcet again on the beeper
Turn 3
Scythe Woman
She turns to Barr and says stopthrows her scythe and Barr blocks it.
Casts meteors and fire bolt
Shoots some fire right through her core and blasts through her.
The smoke from the crown begins to fill the hole in her chest, she falls from the sky and falls into Barrs arms. Barr bites down on her neck and the Angel turns to her and attempts to blast off a mass charm, charming everybody. Tossy falls out of the sky and is downed. Barr takes a chunk out her neck. She summons her scythe and slashes Barr downing him once again. They fall together and the angel is pinned under Barr. Mingo charges up to them and swings his sword beheading the angel and cuts through part of Barr’s face. Her head falls slightly and the crown topples next to it doing a wobble wobble wobble before clattering to the ground.
Zieg goes over to Barr and cast regenerate healing the scars from his past and reviving him. Mingo picks up the head flicks Barrs flesh off its face. He carries the head with the crown still on it over to Tossy and revives him. Barr walks over to him and tried to calm him down a bit. Takes the head and crown from Mingo and removes the crown. He tried to hand the head back ot Mingo, but he won’t take it back. Barr goes to pick up the scythe with a clothed hand. Barr once again pages the Dragon and says what are you doing down there? Tells him he has the crown and he immediately blinks them back to his lair
Dragon Lair
Barr immediately vomits and is holding the crown in one hand and the scythe in the other. Barr offers the scythe in a trade for an additional reward. The dragon offers a shield, a deck of card or a mirror as trade for the scythe in addition to the initial reward of 3,000 gold and a vial of his blood. Mingo stares into the mirror and disappears. The group tricks Red Rocket to look into the mirror and he also just disappears, giving the group open access to the dragon’s horde.
End 12/18 Session
Dragon Horde Draft
12/27 Session
Dragon Lair
Tossy, Barr and Zieg begin looking through the dragon’s horde.
Dragon Horde Draft
Round 1
1. Barr: Shield
2. Tossy: Dragon’s Fire Stone
3. Zieg: Potion looking thing with a key(Sovern Glue 6oz)
Round 2
1. Barr: Deck of Many Things with 20 Gold pieces for his personal stash
2. Tossy: Ring
3. Zieg: Vial that looks like a potion of healing, but it is not, note says it is a potion of poison
Round 3
1. Barr: Ring of feather falling—> Tossy Via a trade
2. Tossy: Giant 10ft tall Staff with giant heads carved on top—> Barr Via a trade
3. Zieg: Rusty Iron Sphere
Hear a ruffle from the other end of the cave while conversing with Violi. Barr drinks his dragon potion and turns into an adult Red Dragon. He perches on top of the treasure horde and is ordering around Zieg and Tossy. Sounds grow louder and Barr yells “who goes there”. 100-200 town guards march in, one man marches through and points to the dragon and says who do you think your talking to your master like that? Barr says you must be mistaken I don’t believe we’ve met. The man staggers and holds up a shock collar button and says you’d do best to remember who you serve. Barr questions him again. The man once again threatens to press to the button. Barr continues to confuse the man and convinces him to press the button. Barr breaks the mirror before he has a chance to press it. Out pops the dragon REALLY pissed off, the button gets pressed and he dies. Mingo then pops out of the mirror along with one additional person. The additional person is completely unfazed takes a quick peak grabs a stone off of their chest and goes to activate it. Everyone clearly sees the visage of tall human with a cowboy hat with a V on it. The lead guard asks what the fuck is going on. Barr is casually explained what just happen and opened up the chest cavity of the dragon and takes some blood and the dragon stone. The lead guard is horrified at this sight. The guard says he needs a great beast for the enactment of the laws in his city. He dismisses the rest of the guards. He takes his helmet off and he’s a half orc. He says his name is Val short for something. He hails from here or the city of Bimorah. He says he uses the beast to torture people. He tells the group if the Mayor comes down to the dungeon and sees that there is no beast he is fucked. He heard there was a powerful magical being a city over in Strix. Mayor has 3 daughters. The group hog ties the guard captain and put him in a cage. Barr grabs everyone and flies out of the cave and flies by a group of stunned guards and a city in awe. Alarms begin to go off in the distance.
Barr flies about halfway to Keiri and 5pm the group meets up in the middle of nowhere. Violi comes running along being chased by a bunch of bandits. He power slides next to Barr and pops off a shot with a pistol doming one of the bandits and tosses it to Barr. The group then dispatches the rest of the bandits. The group catches everyone up on their adventures while separated. The group travels towards Archgrove. As they get closer to the city they hear melodic signing coming from inside the gates.
11,000 xp 152,989xp Total
End 12/27 Session
1/2 Session
Arch Grove Center
As the group walks through the city Zieg sees his family sitting in a semi-circle in some sort of prayer. Zieg recognizes this prayer as the song of the forest. They are singing to the forest to encourage bountiful crops and pay tribute to what the forest has given them. Zieg brings the party to the side and then joins in with the rest of the people. The people of Archgrove are very in tune with nature and the city is one with the nature similar to the structure of something that may be seen in the Fae. Zieg’s family is the elders of the town. Both of Zieg’s parents have died so it has passed down to him and his brother, Tri, to oversee. The party sees a wood elf that looks similar to Zieg. Apparently there are many orgies. As the song comes to a natural closure the group feels a bit of a warmth and sparkles emanate around the nature. A small wood elf stands up and asks uncle Zieg is that you. Zieg introduces the party to his people and the children are enthralled as Zieg describes his adventures. His brother Tri says it’s been a month and a half and asks how is his task going. Zieg says hes found a lead to the family swords. His brother says the land has been good but does not have any further leads to the family artifact. The brother looks tired, but invites the group to the hall and that there must be a feast for his brother’s return. Zieg asks his brother where his wife and kids are and they are doing some labor elsewhere around the town. His brother Tri shows the group around the city and Zieg explains the tree is the source of his druidic powers. Theres a hustle and bustle around the city with the return of Zieg and other adventurers.
Archgrove Communal Hall
There does not appear to be any meat being served but lots of exotic fruits and vegetables. Violi and Barr attempt to sit next to Zieg and an attractive looking elf walks up behind them saying she’d really like to sit next her husband. Mingo sits by himself near the root vegetables. Barr, Violi and Tossy sit across from Zieg. Zieg’s kids run up to him and give him a hug. Barr offers the kids to take a card from his new deck, but Zieg tells them they aren’t to take cards from strangers. Tossy says he will take a draw and pulls a card that says “Ruin”. Tossy loses… nothing. Zieg gives his kids some stuff and the feast begins. Barr asks if they are vegetarian. He says they are one with nature, but they do eat meat occasionally. A chef comes up and says they saw creatures among them and didn’t want to serve something that would offend any of them. Mingo gives a thumbs up. Shana asks Zieg what news he has of his journey. He has a moon sword that chose him as his master and may lead him to find his families lost sword. Sher asks to see it. Zieg shows it to her and says hold on running to her room and comes back with a large tomb. It looks similar to the one in the tomb and he explains he found it in the city of Rahgu homeof his friend Violi pointing over to him. Shana looks glaringly over at Violi and he looks back with a mouthful of tamarind giving a thumbs up. Shana says it is very similar to the family sword and asks what the plan is to do with it. He wanted to go to the family crypts with it in the morning. Zieg and Shana go fuck….Zieg has a slightly above average cock and performs well to satisfy his wife.
Barr and Violi go to inspect the scythe and Violi grabs it with both hands and his tongue and as he grabs it energy begins to run through him and pushes his hair up to wiggle and flow. Violi feels a calling from beneath him and a maternal instinct from the scythe. Violi steps away from the group and just holds the scythe admiring it. The scythe speaks to him saying I can show you my true form. The scythe looks to Violi and says how do you want to wield me. The scythe disappears and left in Violi’s hand is the stock of a whip. It says you will put me to good use.
Tossy pulls 2 cards from the deck. The first card says “Talons” and all of his magical items disintegrate. The second card says “Sage” giving him the ability to meditate and find the answer to one riddle or problem. Barr also decides he wants to take 2 cards from the deck. The first card says “comet” and the next card says “puzzle”. Barr suddenly feels some knowledge slip from his memories(Intelligence drops by 2 permanently). He draws another card that says “balance” and Barr feels his chaotic nature align to a more lawful nature. Violi decides he will also draw a card and it says “fate”
Violi feels as time itself starts to whirl around him as the timeline has been altered…
Brandi unsuccessfully gets the artifact in the marilith cave. She instead runs from the fight and has not been seen since. Violi has the artifact now instead. Otis is at the keep and has been chilling there the whole time. The group still has reason to have gone to Mirrodin, but Instead of dueling with Brandi at the tip of the tower the group was fighting one of Memnarch’s generals. Violi is the only one with recollection of the changes to the timeline.
At this point the Archgrove people bring out the wine and say it’s time to have a good time. Barr and Violi get fucked up and Mingo and Tossy get a buzz on. Everyone finds a place to sleep in the hall. Barr is passed out asleep and Zieg’s son sneaks down and pulls a card out of Barrs deck while he sleeps. He looks at and says hope that’s helpful. Then leaves and goes to bed
End Day