20 February 857
The 3 Head Guard Dogs
The group wakes up in Inn. The group goes downstairs and Tossy gets a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Barr calls up Red Rocket and asks where Violi is, but he says he doesn’t know. The group approaches the mayoral estate and is greeted by the 3 guards. They are not nice and say you don’t have an appointment with the mayor. Tossy tosses a fireball hitting all 3 as well as Barr and Mingo
Turn 1
Barr stabs the guard in the middle with his trident smashing his should and pulling it out critically striking him. Barr then fire strikes the one on the right hitting him. He follows up striking at the guard on the left and misses. He swings at another one and misses with a 19.
Armor Knight B
He is going to pat the hounds head on his chest plate and hear a roar as a flame comes outs and he pulls the flame out of his mouth throwing an explosive ball hitting all four members. Barr and Tossy take the full hit with Mingo and Zieg bracing for half
Mingo tries to command guards A and B to flee. A passed and stands still and B would fail.
Throws a chaos bolt at one of the guards and misses them.
Casts scorching Ray on guard C and misses with all 3
Guard A
Casts destructive wave on Tossy and Barr. Tossy braces taking half damage and Barr takes the full brunt of the attack falling on the ground
Guard C
Attacks Barr 3 times while he lays on the ground. Hitting with 2 of the 3 attacks. Barr gets fucked up pretty good.
Turn 2
Barr attacks a bunch of times. Also adds a searing ignition to all of them as well.
Guard B
opens the gate and runs 30ft away
Attack guard A with his sword. 22 hits, but gets parried. The second attack hits and he adds a bit of divinity via a smite
Casts Chain Lightning hitting all 3, they all resisted dealing half damage to all.
Casts sunbeam hitting both Guards A and C
Guard A
Says “a neccesary evil” taps the hound on his chest creating a fireball that he tosses hitting himself, Mingo, Barr, and Tossy. Tossy and the Guard brace themselves, but Barr and Mingo take it right their buttholes. Barr is downed by the fire.
Guard C
Swings around to the wabbit giving him flanking rolls through his blindness. He hits Mingo 2/3 times downing Mingo and giving him another smack.
Turn 2
Successfully death saves
Guard B
Uses destructive wave again on Tossy. Tossy braces taking half damage.
Failed a death save
Casts another chain lightning. Hitting all 3 guards.
Casts Mass Cure wounds and heals Barr, Ming and Tossy for 35 health.
Guard A
Says one last chest for the death mother and taps the hound creating another fireball throwing it at Tossy and Barr. Tossy gets fucked and Barr braces taking less damage.
Guard C
Swings at Barr misses the first attack, and the second attack, then hits the 3rd strike downing him.
Turn 4
Saves the first death Throw.
Guard B
Sees that Zieg is quite healthy and thinks that’s gay. Zieg fails a charisma save and then disappears.
Stands up and used a bonus action to jump behind Barr touches his butt plug and gives him 35 health and Barr moans “aww yeah”
Dealt 20 damage to the guy on the right, breaking his concentraition snapping Zieg back into existence
Casts sunbeam dealing some damage and blinding one and killing another.
Guard A
Swings at Barr hitting him once
Turn 5
Attacked a bunch of the dudes and hit them.
Guard B
Casts Destructive Wave, on Barr, Mingo and Zieg. Downing Barr……… again
Heals himself
Throws a fireball and drops the last two Guards.
As the die the gates burst open and they say something ominous booming through the gate.
XP gain of 11,400 total
End 12/3 Session