21 February 857
1/2 Session
Saturday 2/21
Everyone wakes up, Violi and Barr feel a little hungover. Zieg’s wife is eager to hear his plan as to what to do with the sword. He tells her and the group he wants to go to his family crypt to try and find any info on his sword.
Thundersnow Family Crypt
Everyone goes down into the family crypt. Zieg offers a prayer to them and leaves some flowers. Zieg, Barr and Violi recognize a statue in the crypt as the statue they saw in Rahgu’s crypt. This depiction is slightly different in that it has a floral crown amongst his head. This is trying to depict his selflessness. Zieg goes to place the sword in his hand where he took it from the previous statue. As he places the sword the statue begins to glow in white light and the chamber begins to rumble. A black webs begins to spew from the sword. Rapid at first and then a slow movement. As it appears the statue and tree in the area are now engaged in corruption against the blade.
End 1/2 Session
1/8 Session
Giant Lessons
Archgrove Crypt
Tossy concentrates on the magic within the corruption seeping from the sword into the roots and nature surrounding the statue. The corruption is spreading fast and seems unmanageable at this rate. In everyone’s haste, Tossy stops to reflect for a moment. He pauses and breaths in, seeking the magic at its source. As he casts his spell, through the chaos he whispers under his breath “there it is” - he sees through the tethers of the corruption and finds the tainting seed. He focusses all of his magicks into this seed and with a satisfying crunch - he quells the magic at its source. The corruption begins to cede back into the sword where the last remnants go to implode upon themselves - quelling the dark corruption that plagued the blade.
There is a shine from the statue of Rahgu as it depicts his better 1/10th. The sword sits there glowing and Zieg goes to pick it up. It feels just as Zieg remembers it from many years ago, but also feels a pulse or calling in a certain direction(eastward). He gets the feeling that the sword is looking for its partner pulling towards the east. Zieg picks up the Holy Avenger. We spend the day fucking around. Barr could’ve read his book of V, but justs tands there staring off into space.
End Day