Beast of Calamity, The Malice Incarnate

It was time of great peace in all of Kingdom of Hyrule. And it would have stayed so.
Until It appeared.
Whole world of Hyrule shook, as all of old Hyrule Kingdom was consumed by dark miasma of hatred and malevonce and the ground began to break.
Out of Hyrule Castle bursted out a great Maelstrom, from which formed a gargantuan avatar of dark beast.
It’s breath spreads Gloom, which felled thousands.
It’s hide sheds into horrible abominations.
It’s screeching roar left the world in shatters.
Little is known where the Beast came from. What is certain.
Is that the Beast is still out there.
It’s Malice still spreads all the across the world.
And it’s Maelstrom, forever brewing in the center of world, spewing out monsters and aberrations.
No person in their right mind would worship such evil, mindless, unloving entity. But some are either foolish enough, desperate enough or insane enough to seek power and/or satisfaction from such Beast.
Devotion Degrees
Spread the malice and hatred, destroy all and yourself for the Calamity
Clear Malice Ridden areas, stop the spread
Areas of Concern:
Destruction, Malice, Hatred, Abominations, Blood Moon
Spread of Influence:
Everywhere defiled with Malice, abandonded towns and ruins, Unholy shrines and temples.
Also Known As:
The Beast, Calamity, The World Ender, The Malice
Devotee benefits
Must Choose unholy
Destruction, Decay, Swarm, Death, Plague
Favored Weapon:
Spiked Gauntlet or Hatchet
Divine Skill:
Occultism, Survival
Cleric Spells:
1st: Grim Tendrils, 2nd: Sudden Blight, 5th Abyssal Plague, 6th: Phantasmal Calamity