Fierce Deity, God of War

Fierce Deity is a being whose true name is lost to time, as if people tried to avoid speaking it aloud, too afraid to mention it.
It’s believed he was once a legendary warrior whose drive in battles and fierce determination achieved him an ascencion to godhood.
His presence is felt in all battles, all hardships of war, and his avatars are said to fight like “Mad Hinox”, reckless and brutal.
It is questioned if the Deity is a heroic wargod or if he a truly a demon lusting for battle. Legends tell about his victories over demonic deities, such as Majora, who is said to call Fierce Deity “The True Bad Guy.”
Those who commit themselves to battle and warfare and push themselves beyond limits, find themselves empowered by battle proweness and skills that of a godlike warrior.
Devotion Degrees
Attain victory in every combat, push your limit, fight with all your might
dishonor yourself, refuse a challenge, use cheap tricks or cheating to win
Areas of Concern:
War, Battle, Strength, Weapons, Warriors
Spread of Influence:
Termina, Death Mountains, Battlefields, Arenas, Military Encampements
Also Known As:
The Fierce God, Ascended Warrior, True Bad Guy, The Ogre
Devotee benefits
Must Choose holy or unholy
Zeal, Might, Confidence, Destruction
Favored Weapon:
Bastard Sword
Divine Skill:
Cleric Spells:
1st: Sure strike, 2nd: Enlarge, 4th: weapon storm