Jabu-Jabu, The River Whale Lord

Patron deity of Zora’s, believed to be related to Oshus, Jabu-Jabu takes the role of watching the flow of rivers and the lively aquatic life around it.
After more Zora’s joined to life cycle of the rivers he watched, Jabu-Jabu began being worshipped by the fish-people and in his benevolence, helped Zoras form the culture they have, in exchange for delicious fish.
Jabu-Jabu loves communities, and the families that come together to enjoy feasts and festivities. Life in the rivers is always changing and growing and Jabu-Jabu enjoys to see this change not only in the streams and fish, but in families and people as well.
No person is truly stagnant, and all should strive to build up not just their homes and friends, but also themselves. And there is no better way to bring people together and grow than a hearty feast.
Devotion Degrees
Bless households, rivers and families, promote growth and change, fish plenty and have feasts
Manipulate unwilling creature, refuse to aid to an ally, dam rivers, infect food.
Areas of Concern:
Zora, Waterways and rivers, fishing, hearty meals
Spread of Influence:
Zora’s domain, Archipelagos, jungle lakes and rivers, rainforests and deep jungles
Also Known As:
The River King, Jabun, Fish God, Big Eater
Devotee benefits
Can Choose holy
Water, Family, Repose, Change, Indulgence
Favored Weapon:
Divine Skill:
Society, Medicine
Cleric Spells:
1st: Soothe, 3rd: Aqueous Orb, 5th: Control Water