Bongo Bongo, The Drummer of Sorrows

Not all of Hyrule’s history is pleasant to retell.
It is believed in the shadowy past of Old Kingdom and Sheikah, the realm was in state of panic and mistrust, due to rise of crisis events and fair of old Demon king returning.
In their paranoia, the king and royal court request throught trials across the lands, to wipe away suspisions. When those trials failed to bear fruit, king drew desperate and demanded more intense methods, going into borderline torture. The Sheikah oblieged, and thus, a horrible era of fear and misery began, where hundreds of innocent lives were tortured, maimed and discarded.
Not only this cause discourse across the kingdom, causing a rebellion within Sheikah and Royal family, lead by then Princess, the poor unfortunate souls failed to find rest in afterlife. Those souls gathered up into a dreadful bile of malice, sorrow, pain and misery, and the last victim of the tortures, a innocent musician who just wanted people to be happy, gave form for a new being.
Bongo Bongo.
Ever since then, you can hear faint sounds of drums, echoing in the darkness, in wells, in caves deep, in hidden dungeons. beckoning those who died cruel and unjust death into sorrowful peace.
And for those who abused others in live, the drums beckon them to their demise, to be grabbed by phantasmal hands of avengeance, and for forever be forgotten.
Devotion Degrees
Soothe the tormented, kill oppressors, help the suffering escape their circumstances in life or in death
Desecrate a corpse, Dismiss or mock a creature’s grief, torture a creature or a soul
Areas of Concern:
Death, downtrodden, Ghosts and Spirits, Grief, Wallmasters
Spread of Influence:
Torture rooms, hidden chambers, lost graves, the depths, mass graves, dark alleys
Also Known As:
The Wall Master, Phantom Beast, Spirit Drummer
Devotee benefits
Can Choose Unholy
Darkness, Sorrow, Pain, Death
Favored Weapon:
Club or Unarmed strike
Divine Skill:
Cleric Spells:
1st: Phantasmal Minion, 2nd: Invisibility, 5th: Forceful Hand