The Great Fairies

In places of highly condensed magic, single giant flora roots in place. From this bud, blooms majestic Fairy Fountain. The magic around allows the blooming fountain to blossom, and affect it’s surrounding area, spreading fey influence and magic over miles. From it also comes a new deific being, The Great Fairy.
The Great Fairy blesses the surrounding flora, giving birth it’s direct children, the fairies and sprites.
Fairies come with variety of emotions and personalities, but they all share one key trait. Passion. Whether it is passion to help, passion to protect, passion to laugh, passion to mend, All fairies do what they love the most with great passion.
Finding a fairy fountain is not easy, often impossible without help from local fairy. But those who find themselves lost in fairy forest or the like, or are willing to take the risk for greater good, might find themselves receiving blessing of fairies, be it enchantment, a cure-all or magical equipment.
However, those with ill-intent may be wiser to try not cross a fae lands, or risk a mysterious dissapperance.
Devotion Degrees
Be passionate, artistic and/or playful, help travelers, spread joy & love.
Harm innocent, destroy art and nature, cause severe harm
Areas of Concern:
Fairy magic and Fae beings, Nature, Enchantments, Healing, Art , Passion
Spread of Influence:
Fae Realm, Hyrule, Fairy Fountains, Fae-touched lands
Also Known As:
Fae Mothers, Queen Fairies, The Great Muses, Guardian Spirits
Devotee benefits
Can Choose holy
Creation, Healing, Passion, Trickery, Change
Favored Weapon:
Rapier, Sling or a Sickle
Divine Skill:
Performance, Crafting
Cleric Spells:
1st: Summon Fey, 2nd Glitterdust, 3rd: enthrall, 7th: duplicate foe