Thunderbird, Vah Medoh
A Tabanthan Rito legend

Legend tells of great hero of Hyrule, who journeyed north of Hyrule, to Tabantha, in search of great treasure. None know for sure what that treasure. Regardless, The Hero pushed through, but was lost in a great snow storm. He was saved by an Rito girl named Medoh. Medoh had great skills of survival and magic, and offered to guide the young hero past the storm. For 5 days they journeyed forward, across the snowy mountains, thunderstorms and blizzards, until they reached the wide summit of the world. The great treasure was in their grasps, until a final obstacle, a great beast made of black storm, stood against their way. The battle was fierce and hard, during which, Medoh was severely injured by the Great Beast. With her last breaths, she sang the Song of The Storms, sacrificed her mortality and became one with the storms, giving the hero an edge over the Beast and ensuring their victory.
The hero reclaimed the treasure, and journeyed back to continue his grand quest. He later returned back to Tabantha, and gave the treasure back to Rito, to honour his fallen comrade’s legacy, who now could barely be seen, flying across the plains, the mountain ranges and skies, bringing with her, a mighty, cleansing storm.