Guardian of Time

A Mysterious nameless figure spoken about through out of history. She is said to be an observer, a Sorceress allowed by her magic to witness eras of distant ages of Hyrule and the fates of all those who lived, but would never interfere. She has never been seen, but her presense is felt, by those with keen observation and nack for studying the ancient myths and legacies.
Due to lack of true knowledge about her mystifying existance, it is believed she is an another aspect of Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom. Some believe she is Hylia herself
However, scholars consider her as separate being, as she is also known in Termina, where influence of Golden Goddesses is low, and their written poetry is non-existent, where as Goddess of Time is mentioned way more often.
Her blessings are felt by those who also watch over time and events, who seek maintaining records and make sure history of any kind is preserved.
Devotion Degrees
Seek or make historic records some. Maintain flow of time safely
Cause a paradox or break reality, Destroy or alter piece of history, spout lies.
Areas of Concern:
Time and Space, Historical records, Lore
Spread of Influence:
Termina, Hyrulean Realm, Museums and historical sites, libraries, Clocktowers, Newpaper companies
Also Known As:
Goddess of Time, Sorceress of Fate, The Grand Librarian
Devotee benefits
Fate, Secrecy, Time, Knowledge, Truth
Favored Weapon:
Divine Skill:
Cleric Spells:
1st: anticipate peril, 3rd: slow, 7th: time beacon